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You spent years learning the lore of the multiverse. You scoured manuscripts, studied scrolls, and listened to the greatest experts on the subjects that interest you. Your efforts have made you a master in your fields of study.   To determine the nature of your scholarly training, roll a d8 or choose from the options in the table below.

d8 Specialty
1 Alchemist
2 Astronomer
3 Discredited academic
4 Librarian
5 Professor
6 Researcher
7 Wizard's apprentice
8 Scribe

Skill Proficiencies Arcana, History
Languages Two of your choice
Equipment A bottle of ink, a quill, a small knife, a letter from a dead colleague posing a question you have not yet been able to answer, a set of common clothes, and a pouch containing 10gp


Researcher When you attempt to learn or recall a piece of lore, if you do not know that information, you often know where and from whom you can obtain it. Usually, this information comes from a library, scriptorium, university, or a sage or other learned person or creature. Your DM might rule that the knowledge you seek is secreted away in an almost inaccessible place, or that it simply cannot be found. Unearthing the deepest secrets of the multiverse can require an adventure or even a whole campaign.

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