Heroic Weapons. Weapons wielded by a necrokyrie are treated as magical weapons and inflict an extra 2d6 lightning damage when they hit. Soul Capture. A necrokyrie can trap the soul of a creature it slays in its weapon as a bonus action. The creature must make a DC 16 Charisma save to avoid this. At the end of each day, the creature can attempt a new saving throw to escape. A trapped creature cannot return from the dead and does not go on to its afterlife. Chooser's Frenzy. Upon reaching 1/4 of maximum hit points, Leandra enters a state of frenzy, emits an unending high-pitched wail, and rushes the nearest enemy. During this time, she is unable to cast spells and will swing both her longsword and spear 5 times a turn until either all her foes lay in heaps of limbs or she is slain. Taste for Carrion. Upon a successful melee attack, Leandra will absorb some of the fallen life essences, healing for 1d6 worth of hit points. With each healing action, her appearance reverts somewhat from that of an undead being to what she looked like in life.
Once regarded as a beauty on the battlefield, her appearance has been ravaged by the passage of time and undeath. She appears as a predatory Amazonian warrior. Flaxen-haired. Pale of skin.