You were born and raised on the deck of your families ship, and from the moment you could walk were trained in the duties that your station required. While you have a home port where you celebrate journeys end each year, the majority of your time is spent either enjoying shore leave in the current port, or under way to the next. Being a member of a merchant family comes with its own perks and downfalls though. Your families name is well known in the ports that you frequent, which has earned you a fair number of friends and a few enemies. Work with your DM to determine what your family name is, what ship you grew up on, and what ports your family frequented. What station were you trained to handle? Which of your family members were in your same shift? What circumstances led to you leaving your ship?
Feature: Name You bear a patch on your clothing that represents your home ship. This patch, and by extension your family Name, carries a certain amount of weight in the areas that your ship frequents. This can be leveraged in many ways, and people friendly to your family may be more inclined to help you. In addition, Guild banks can loan money from your families account upon request, though matters of repayment are up to your family.