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Iron Shadow

Skill Proficiencies Stealth, and one skill of your choice from Acrobatics, Deception, Persuasion, or Sleight of Hand
Tool Proficiencies Two toolkits of your choice from the following: Thieves' Tools, Poisoner's Kit, Forgery Kit, or Disguise Kit
Equipment Common clothes, ceremonial robes, a carved iron bracelet that denotes your status, a bag of caltrops (3 uses), a 15-foot tripwire, and 15 gp


Beyond Law. As an elite information-seeker and mission-taker for the Masked Lord, you and your fellow Shadows are subject only to the orders of the Shadowspinner, the Masked Lord, and the Four Mongers (though the Mongers' hold over you exists only as far as they do not conflict with the orders of the Masked Lord). Should you be apprehended by lawkeepers of the Multitude, your iron bracelet is enough to release you from their custody, lest they face the wrath of any of the above individuals. To the same tune, proof of your status as a Shadow will grant you an audience with any member of the Multitude who exists in a status lesser than these higher individuals, though you may not issue orders of your own unless given permission or explicitly stated.

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