Sage, Alchemist
Hit Points
Hit Dice: d6 per Sage, Alchemist level
Hit Points at first Level:
Hit Points at Higher Levels:
Saving Throws:
Overview & Creation
The alchemist is a master of transmutatives, wyrmsmokes and explosives, they specialise in oils, acids and other fixatives.. Master alchemists know how to create flasks of death, or undo stone and iron. Where an apothecary's potion emboldens the soul, an alchemists admixture may bring thunderous fear and pyrotechnics to the field. Many alchemists are firebugs willing to set fires and explosions where they go, using their bombs to shatter hordes and level giants.
Class Features
Lv 3 Apprentice Alchemist
Whenever the alchemist crafts an alchemical substance or bomb they may choose to add their proficiency bonus to either the DC, or one of the crafts numerical effects chosen at the time of the creating. These potent crafts cost twice normal cost in reagents to craft.
Lv 5 Swift Ignition
An alchemist may draw and light a wyrmsmoke as an action on their turn.
Lv 6 Advanced Alchemy
The alchemist may conduct a 10min ritual to identify an alchemical or hazardous substance or object.
The alchemist may spend a 10min ritual to determine a substances properties (if the substance is supernatural or magical they know this instead, but not the nature of the magical effect). This ritual may also be used to determine if a specific substance may pose a hazard under specific environmental conditions if they pass medicine skill check(s) as determined by the GM.
Lv 8 – Master Alchemist
At 8th level the alchemists may choose a speciality which they are known for from the list below;
- Mad Bomber - Whenever the alchemist would draw and light a wyrmsmoke, they may do so twice so long as they have two free hands.
- Viscous Fixatives – When creating an oil or salve, the alchemist elect to purchase twice the amount of reagents (double cost) to increase the number of encounters that the oil will last for. The oil now last for three encounters or 1hr whichever comes first.
- Field Expert – The alchemist is skilled at avoiding explosive or area of effect damaging effects. When the alchemist would be caught in a damaging area of effect hazard they may take a reaction to fall prone gaining the benefits against the explosion.
- Precise Lobber - You add your proficent in the unarmed skill, if you already are proficient you gain expertise.
Lv 10 – Legendary Alchemist
In addition, the alchemist may craft enhanced pyrotechnics by combining multiple wyrmsmokes into one complex pyrotechnic. To craft a pyrotechnic the alchemist takes two or more wyrmsmokes as regents and attempts to combine them as part of a short or long rest making a intelligence save at the end of the rest. The DC to combine the wyrmsmokes being;
- +4 per common recipe
- +6 per uncommon recipe
- +8 per rare recipe
- +10 per legendary recipe
If successful, then the pyrotechnic combines all effects of the base wyrmsmokes, if the check fails by more than 10, then there is a premature detonation. With the device exploding during crafting setting off all wyrmsmokes being combined. Otherwise then only one of the wyrmsmoke effects triggers when lit determined at random by the GM.