
"Once, I was not like this."   "Master?"   "Once, I was not bound to these, I was free to compose, to write. But the Schmarts are with me, as they have been since I was an infant, as accounted in my people."   "You mean the air aboard ship?"   "No, I mean these... My limbs, my clothes, this... crude matter."   "Surely they are not a restraint, with what you've accomplished?"   "But what have I accomplished, eh? This coalition, I look at it too strongly, I breathe too hard, and it will collapse under its own grievances, under the power of the emmity its members have for one another."   "But surely..."   "No, these Nilus , these Massimi ? Let alone the Ti and Antooand Annor ? They hold together only because I will not let them fail!

Basic Information


Two legs, stubby Two arms, short, with three very stout fingers, yet nimble

Growth Rate & Stages

Their true lifespan is unknown, but Master Djimmu has been the high poet of agobah for centuries

Ecology and Habitats

Used to be the swamp planet Agobah, where they lived simple, self-sufficient lives, but upon accession to the highest levels of Coalition Powers, Master Djiummu Happo lives in either one of the Leading Temples of Nek-Mo-Ti or aboard a ship, like the CSS Revenge.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They thrive on simple, basic foods.

Biological Cycle

Not well understood, but the one specimen we know has lived for hundreds of years under extreme stress and multiple assassination attempts, and only shows slight signs of aging.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Long ears, tripling the width of the head, and coming to sharp points, capable of hearing a great deal of nuance Eyes capable of seeing in the ultraviolet and the near infra-red range A snub nose, fully as sensitive as any earth canine Mastery of the Schmarts,

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

The poets of Agobah are the rules of the world trading haikus and iambic pentameter until one is defeated

Beauty Ideals

Short is not ugly to them

Relationship Ideals

"We have eternity"

Average Technological Level

No one is sure, what levels they attained. They achieved transit out of their own solar system first.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

There is only one language, because there is only one survivor left.

Common Etiquette Rules

Mens sana in corpore sano is very much their was of life.

Common Dress Code

Rough wool and linens and cottons.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

What one expresses clearly and consisely is important, what one expresses elegantly is the soul of the gods.

Common Taboos

Brute force is a taboo, but it only applies to them, they have no equivalent taboo in telling another to beat someone up.


Thousands of years ago, the Agobans discovered the other races of the coalition, no one is sure if they had to uplift any of the others.

Historical Figures

Master Djimmu Happo

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Master Djimmu Happo is the current ruler of the Coalition, The . composed of multiple species
Scientific Name
Homo Agoban Ozus
Conservation Status
Only one Agoban remains, Master Djimmu Happo, Poet of Agobah, elected cultural recommender for life of the Coalition.


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