Aumhavar Peebee Memorial Worship Complex

"Jade, what am I looking at?"   "This is the Aumhavar Peebee Memorial Complex, a three-story, multipurpose, Elementally-dedicated building."   "What? And this is in Kimagure?"   "Right off the ring street, it's on the outer edge of the city."   "Have you ever been?"   "No, just no."   "What? Not been tempted?"   "Oh, I have, just not the kind of place I can go unnoticed, you know they eval your potential at the entrance..."   "Oh, I probably can't go either..."   "We could go, but only together, and promising to bind each other's powers. That'd lower us enough to get past the door."   "You're that close to my level, my sweet Namei?"   "Only one way to find out..."   "Gee, now I have performance anxiety... Worse than at Laughing Waters."   "You could have fooled me, you impressed the tribunal at Laughing Waters."   "I didn't want to impress the tribunal, I wanted to impress a boy."   "Ahem, if it's who I think it is, he was quite impressed, said you took him in hand like you were born to leather."
Brothel / Whorehouse


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