Aumhavar, title of


1. One of the oldest attested words in Kagomine, Aumhavar refers to the term for higher of highs, ethymologically referring to 'set above' in Dawn Moniqan. In colloquial usage, one refers to one with Aumhavar to highlight one with spiritual autority and wisdom.

2. Megamisama street slang for boss, autority figure.

-- Megamisama Standard Kagomine Dictionary, Megamisama Press, 812AK.
The Ribbon

You will find your official attire includes a small ribbon, meant to be worn across both soulderplates, crossing over the back of the neck. this ribbon will be in the sixteen colours associated with the elements, and is shorthand for the element's own logo, of which cult you are a member and ambassador.

Should you find yourself elevated to service in truth, to the title of Aumhavar, or even higher Aumhivina, we thank you for your service and beg your indulgence. This book took many consultations with current Aumhavar and much effort to produce, and we only hope it pleases you.

-- Kagomine Armed Services: Manual of service, Mountain Home Presses, 654AK.
Big day

"Kiss-ass!" Piersa thought to herself after putting away her manual of service. "Why I ought to..." She caught herself. "Deep breath." She sighed, no amount of raging at the book was going to make the butterflies in her stomach go away. It didn't help that her best friends were mostly banished from her presence, her current Aumhavar or Tribunal friends were all banned from visiting. While her schoolmates were all spread out across the various services, because of the speed of her various promotions up to this point, none of them would have been allowed in her presence, as none of them were soon-to-be-aumhavars, leaving precious company for her.

"Hey Piersa!"

Piersa had never been so glad those restrictions didn't apply to non-kagomine. "Hey Moka, nice to see you!"

"Where is our Sun'ga? I have been looking for him, he's supposed to help me sell things to Kannie's at number two."

"Oh, I can't tell you that, he's avoiding me all day today." Please tell me you see it, please tell me you see it. Piersa whispered to herself.

"What is different about you today? Your uniform looks... bulkier?"

"Err, not quite."

"Oh, a ribbon of the elements? Is it new?"

"Yes, and it is why Dentrag can't talk to me until the end of my duty shift today... I am one of the youngest Aumhavar in service in FlyForce!"

"What, Aumhavar? You're a sorceress?" Moka was usually so diplomatic, but clearly, they were becoming friends if she abandoned pretense so fully, perhaps that was a good thing, Piersa would allow.

"Yess!" Piersa tried not to hiss at the Tsou woman, but it was difficult, but then, Moka wouldn't know how hard it had been to get to that point, as a flag-grade officer. Only a handful of Priestesses did not choose to become non-commissioned officers, of those that did, quite a few were legends in their respective service, like her own mentor, Flora, or Flora's own mentor, currently heading her own Armed Service, which meant that to get to this point, Piersa had had to prove herself time and time again, to prove that she deserved to be in the same conversation as these legends. Piersa's own demeanor tended people to underestimate her, which was great when she needed to be underestimated, but gave her almost no natural autority over strangers. She'd hoped the ribbon would fix that, thus went most illusions.


The day flew by for Piersa, she looked up from some papers, and heard the chimes signaling the end of her shift, but just then, they were interrupted, as a man with a sizeable amount of medals on his white-and-orange dress uniform had just knocked on the open bulkhead, and was waiting for her to notice him. When she did, he said:

"I have orders for Aumhavar-Zim Piersa-Ouranos."

No way, they sent him? Piersa's stomach was doing cartwheels again. "Please, let Meihomei's will be known to me, Zim-Vision Hunter."

"I will read."

To: Piersa Ouranos, FFOF-08
From: Palace at Megamisama, Meihomei's Own Desk

Mei greetings and congradulations, newest Aumhavar of my forces. I've been following your career with interest, ever since my Nephew Amarat, whom I believe you call friend even now, recommended you for the sensitive posting of Squadron Leader for The "Arnd Surfers".

It is my request, Aumhavar to Aumhavar, that you take command of my fliers in 0001st Kagomine Imperial Flying Force Air Group, and lead them to greatness while accomplishing their duties.

-- Letter of orders for new Aumhavar and Goshawk Piersa Ouranos, 816AK.


"What's this Aumhavar to Aumhavar, it looks sus."

"You didn't know? Aumhavar are considered above orders on religious grounds, it used to be a simple request that you carry on your orders, until Meihomei became aumhavar herself."

"How come someone being tribunal doesn't have that liberty?"

"Because a tribunal is bound to fairness, Aumhavar are bound to a higher power. Come on, you're the fastest promoted officer I've ever seen, don't tell me you never thought that being a high ranking priestess and sorceress wasn't going to help you go places?"

"I've always thought of it as a way for people to stop thinking I was a blonde airhead." She barely resisted sticking her tongue out to him, he was two grades higher! That'd have gone well, not!

"If any of them think it's not sufficient, do remember that's a censurable offense, although remember, even though you have power of tribunal as Aumhavar, you don't have the power to rule in your own case, even if it's religious in nature. Just write them up, Aumhavar-started cases have universally gone bad for the censored, we don't want the Elements to think we take their envoys lightly, not in my command we don't." It stuck her, how he thought of FlyForce as his. She'd known this man's wife a bit, herself a minor legend in FlyForce, but not him. Surprisingly, since according to him, Dentrag apparently introduced them to one another, back when they were Tercels.

"Now that I've read you your orders, we get to the fun part of this tradition."

"What fun part?"

"My wife and your Dentrag are waiting for us at the Magnificent Emerald, we shouldn't keep them waiting."

Religious, Special


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