
"We grow red barley here, and black over there..."     "Why call it black, it barely looks different..." "The seeds have a red or a black shade, it's very distinctive." "Ok, and you have how many square kloms here?"     "One hundred and sixty square klom under management, we're the largest all-organic farm in Kagomei." "And you manage all that with?"   "We have sixteen stallions to help replace the equipment." "How far are we from the capital?" "Oh, two hundred-fifty kloms, not that far, not by boat." "We're upriver?" "No, but with the mountains in the way, it's a lot closer by boat, especially with cargo." "How tall are the mountains?" "The Ararahks? You don't want to try to climb them at any time, but especially now, in monsoon season.  Commercial flights avoid them because the shear is too strong.  Top out at five or six kloms,
Agricultural / Fishing / Forestry


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