Benevolent Hand

Mechanics & Inner Workings

None have examined the item with the intent of finding what makes it tick, in fact, it's only appearing in the hands of younger, less experienced members of the clergy may be an attempt to avoid those that would prioritize understanding the artifact over executing its mission.   What is known is that it is a pair of leather gloves, very light gray in colour, with the texture of kid leather. Along the seams, elemental sparks replace thread, holding the material together with the power that makes reality manifest. The hem of the glove, where a hand is inserted, has an inner surface, covered with extremely fine, extremely soft fur or feathers.


Showing up at various moments in history, where social disturbance was high or artificially created, often finding its way into the hands of a novice member of the clergy.   When taken up, these often rise up meteorically into the church's hierarchy, finding great authority over other clergy, and yet, their own inner power, as measured by other clergy, remains the same.   Actual power limits for the artifact appear not to be tied to the user's, for that reason. The demonstrated powers include dismissing mental control, with a single flick of the fingers, rallying a group of people numbering in the thousands from fear or panic.


Few know the actual limits of this artifact or what causes it to appear or disappear, sometimes being absent for centuries.   When it appears, it usually signals a realignment of the Over-conclave, where Kautarissian Conclave, Kautassian Conclave and Kautanissian Conclave trade places.
Item type
Religious / Ritualistic
A unique artifact, lost to the world after the Chitau Famine, which it was used to help end.


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