Blue Tcha Addiction

"Sit still Jack!"   "Come on, this can't take long, they expect me back soon, Moneydime!"   "Hold on, I can't exactly cast this spell in seconds, Paper."   "But I gotta hurry..."   "Oh, I guess it can't be helped..."   "You mean?"   "I'll just use a wand..."   "Oh."   "What, you thought?"   "Never mind what I thought. We don't have much time, and I have to keep my end up..."   "Are you saying I'm damping your enthusiasm Jack?"   "No, of course not, but all these guns and blades and drugs... surely they take a toll."   "Careful, I'll think you'll go soft at midnight, Zim Jack."   "You think I'll last that long? You must really have faith in me."   "Hey you two, knock it off!"   "Vain!"   "Paper. Moneydime."   "Zim."   "You're a Regim, you don't need to salute me, or him, for that matter, you outrank us both."   "You're both secret agents, I'm just a lifeguard."   "Ah! She's so funny, which of the three of us has low Tcha with Meihomei, Paper? It's not me, and I doubt it's you, either."   "Well, sometimes..."   "Ha! Hilarious, like Meihomei asking about the health of your kids is something people who salute other people find normal!"   "You really have low Tcha with Meihomei, Moneydime?"   "I said sometimes, Paper!"   "By the elements above in their everlasting fury and indiscriminate destruction!"   "That's a lot of utility language, Paper."   "They've seen us! We gotta get out of here!"   "No, they haven't seen us, not really, they've all taken their own product. They won't remember a thing tomorrow. No squares among them either."


Highly physiologically addictive

Affected Groups

Currently only spreading into Seylan from New Lolland flagged trading boats.

Hosts & Carriers

There's no conventional carrier, as this is a substance, a drug, traded on the open market, thought to prevent aging and wrinkles if used in moderation. Except it's so violently addictive, it causes them over ingestion instead. It also causes hallucinogenic and psychotropic effects. The only ones who've shaken the addiction had magical help from the circle.


Not even 3 years ago, a rare blue plant, distantly related to Tcha(and to our own Camellia Sinensis and Rosa 'Granada' × Rosa 'Garden Party', for instance)

Cultural Reception

At first, it was applauded as a longevity enhancer, then its virulent addictive properties came to the fore. Its indiscriminately spread through high ranked society and transient workers with a little cash, as the Silvertips gang used it to consolidate territories and gain influence and blackmail material.
Chronic, Acquired
Affected Species


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