Bo-Bae Kobewan

I spoke at her funeral, I honoured her with my words, but I felt empty, I felt my entire society at let her down!

She was an angel of song, a flutter of nonconformism, and I salute her spirit and her bravery, thank you everyone! Here's Kaniapiskau!

— Intro to Kaniapiskau Tour, Kabariwon, a cover band for Kantsumi.
  "I want it on the record that we are here at my protest, you are Mweon Hyopcha, grand-daughter of Minyu Kobewan, you are Bo-Bae Kobewan, daughter of same Minyu Kobewan, and I am Kanbarra, second colonel, first division, Goguryean infantry."   "I am Mweon Hyopcha, and you pulled me out of my bed, to ask me questions about my dead cousin, which I'm not happy about, but let's get on with it."   "I am Brobowski, I will be your interrogator today."   "So you are going to make it as uncomfortable as possible, I am ready."   "I am just trying to ascertain the truth."   "The truth will set you free."   "I'm sure, but I have more predictable goals this quarter."   "I'm not privy to your job planning, is that really expected of me?"   "What's this about? I'm a law-abiding citizen of Goguryeo, and a widowed mom, being kept away from my duty of accompanying my kids to soccer practice." Hyopcha's aunt, who had been silent until then, spoke sharply.  


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