Bunnyeng aka The Casho Jersey

"Hey." Flora walked into the room.   "Hey." Amarat moved to kiss Flora, but held back, something looked: out of place.   "What? Something on my face?"   "No, what's with the hat?"   "Oh, that." She was blushing. "I lost a bet..."   "What, no, somehow I can't believe you wagered... What did you wager?"   "Oh, you know how those things go, it's a bunnyeng. If I won, I have to wear the other team's hat..."   "Who bet against you?" He said, anger in his eyes.   "My mom."   "Oh." There was no proper answer to that. "Your mom isn't a Megamisama fan?"   "No, well she was born in Lileath City, and she never gave that up..."   "Oh."   "What, you think this is going to cause family trouble?"   "No, I'm imagining how ridiculous your mom would have looked, if she'd lost... Lilleath kit is yellow, grey and orange, with a black and darkest green hat?"   "Could be worse, could have been a Guray or Veneer kit, navy blue or teal." She said, smiling.   "Hey, no dissing the fun coast in my house..."   "Oh my elements, you did not just call that the fun coast!"   "Well, of course, Veneer, the land of games, and Guray, the city of beaches and canals."   "You're so naive, Garay is stinky, and Veneer is crime-ridden."   "...."   "I'm sorry this truth hurts, but even I could see it, visiting those places.."   "Stinky?"   "I mean, how do people handle all that manure smell?"   "Oh, you did visit during spring planting, didn't you?"   "Uh-huh..."   "Maybe we need to visit like now, when the first peaces are ripe then, Garay will be a lot more to your liking..."   "And Veneer?"   "The criminal element remains a problem, I won't deny that. If you have suggestions, you know I'm always willing to listen."   "Wait, did you just say we should just go to Garay?"   "Well, if you have leave?"   "I got some unspent leave... You gonna do the rowing?"   "Err, I'm not sure I'm rated for precious cargo, and you definitely qualify..."   "Precious cargo huh?"   "Trying to keep it a secret, but telling your bodyguards you were pregnant? Tsk tsk..."   "I'll flog em! Grr.."   "They didn't tell me, I just have to approve their expenditures... Six belly pillows..."   "Oh."   "And you just admitted it just now..."   She growled. Well, or yowled, it was a wild sound, at any rate. Amarat wondered why she was so fey today.   "Why bother anyways? You know I'm overjoyed..."   "Just... wanted to wait until I could make sure..."   "And the pillows?"   "Take time, I figured I'd order some and keep them, in case I get pregnant again, or anyone else in the royal family, for that matter, didn't you get them for your mom?"   "No, she got them for her bodyguards from her estate in Garay..."   "Oh, I couldn't borrow them huh?"   "She's taller, and I was worried you'd say they were stinky..."   She started laughing. "Good one."


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