
"Thank you for joining us, I am Mellonari Amistad, spokesperson for the Asiranian Casho Club League.   Today we invited you here to unveil our new logo. Much thought has gone into this design, and we consulted with the Kautanissian Conclave on the religious elements.   We present to you the new league logo for the Asiranian Casho Club League."   "For those joining in from home, we are at Tassafaronga Lake Stadium, in Moniq. The spokesperson for the Asiranian Casho Club League just unveiled their new logo. I'll attempt to describe it, while we are given the required digital copies.   It's a blue-green field, split in half, with the markings one would expect from casho: outer rectangle, goal lines, protective zones, center octogon. But superimposed, in transparent, but darker blue, in Aleluntait to be specific, is the stylized silhouette of an Arndan, with further stylized shorts and shirt drawn by cutting away some of the blue, in the act of running with, what appears to be a casho ball, in the colours of the Kautanissian Conclave's logo.   My journalist colleagues' reaction appears to be mixed, while the dynamic image has some appeal, the main splash of colour on the league's logo is the logo of another organisation.   Thank you everyone, Antoine Mjolnir, signing off."  
  "You ok?"   "That was unnecessary. We didn't need to be there."   "Your audience numbers disagree, we were the top sports broadcast last night."   "In Kagomei?"   "And Moniq didn't broadcast it, so we picked up a portion of their viewers."   "That'll make you look good, first time producer, and you beard the Moniqan Dragon."   "What is it, Mirielle?"   "We picked up sports broadcast, and lost local affairs!"   "What? Something was happening back home?"   "Meihomei passed away while you were broadcasting, from the plague..."


A few years after the founding of Kimagure, before the Empire of Kagome existed(76WT), then-rulers of both cities decided to organize a sporting match to build goodwill among trading partners. Both cities were pushing past the 10000 citizens mark, and competitiveness were exacerbated by both cities being focused on the fruit trade among other agriculture(Megamisama had grapes and wine, Kimagure had oranges, lemons and wheat and barley was found in both, but Kimagure a had the more diverse industries, like brewing) At a harvest fair,  inventor Lors Knuthe arranged a game between two amateur teams, which proved wildly successful. The rules emphasis on fair play and non-violence proved enduring and popular, even as they sparked a rivalry that endures to this day. In 56 WT, the Dunkehl Els were founded and Merlyn offered to form a league, amateur at first, but 10 years later, all players were professional, and calls for expansion to Byzance and Moniqan cities were commonplace.


1 goalie, 8 players to a side, both sides trying to take the ball past the opponent's goal line into a net. ball cannot be touched by non-goalies with the hands or arms except to drop it to the floor.  Normal interaction with the ball is  kicks for passes, dribbles and the occasional head to push it into goal.  Goalies can only touch the ball with their hands in designated  surface. interplayer contact is discouraged,


League has been mixed since the third team, with the forwards and midfielders and all but the last pair of defenders mixed, with a fixed gender ratio, while both of the last pair defenders must be the same gender, and the head coach and goalie must be of the opposite one.   At least, that lasted until the first trans player. Then the "mixed" was interpreted as a mix of player body sizes: players below a certain height and weight had to constitute a certain amount of the roster. Rucca Milone is an example of a smaller/lighter player, while Sothlee De Byzance, at 6'4" and 75kg is a 'heavy', despite being female.


League play is 1 game a week, plus six games played midweek, for a total of 18 games a season.


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