Circle Temple

"Halt, who goes there?"

"I am your guest, Ambassador Veneer of Kagomei. I mean no harm!"

"We know who you are, Son of the Earlmage Kautanissian."

"Chotto! You know?"

"Only the top staff at this temple know, but I suspect most temples keep track of someone as important as your father, young man."

"It's supposed to be a secret! My mom and dad's estrangement was hardly glamourous."

"Your pedigree is known because it's been so opposed, because it made you so many enemies. Not because it is glamourous, many sought to remove your mother and therefore yourself, from positions of power, as soon as it was known."

"I knew my mother had enemies, I never knew it was because of me."

"Because of your biological father, because he was a sorcerer. Because he can come to this place, this temple, and heal, or control thoughts, or lift a house off a family and keep them from dying. Stop, or start a fire. All of these things, but especially healing. Nothing scares politicians more than letting you heal those they silenced, letting them speak of their crimes."

"But that's not how it should be, that's not how it seems, not to them!"

"Lower your voice, you're right, but it's not a fight you want to have with me, we are far away from where your parents fought and won, their fight. Their enemies thought them outmanouvered, yet it was they that won."

"How did that happen?"

"Your mother showed her skills as a priestess, when used as an ambassador, harmed none of her enemies, and helped Kagomei, surely you can understand this much!"

"Yes, of course, I knew this much when I was yet a child!

"Her enemies underestimated just how dedicated and successful she should be. She is now more famous, more successful, than half who bore the title Meihomei, despite being only Nameihomei."

"How do you know so much about Kagomei?"

"I am a dual-citizen, I was born there, my Father Kagomine and my Mother Alessian. I've always loved it there, but I am needed here, in this temple.I am the priest and tiebreaker, I am the lifeguard and healer, I fight fires with water, I stop the criminal, the elements' blessing to me has few limits."

"You are a credit to our people, I wish I was more like you...

"You're a strong sorcerer and healer, everyone knows!

Sorcerer yes, healer, I manage, investigator, not my skills..."

"Not everyone can have every skill, and your

Temple / Religious complex


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