Dawn Brun (dɑn bruin)

"All of their meetings are held in Dawn Bruin." Spoke Wontget Bornagain.   "Oh, traditionalists huh?" Clove Potter answered.   "Hardcore ones, which is why we have an interest."   "I thought we were treaty enforcement, shouldn't this go to Rabid Tavars ?"   "We have an interest, these terrorists protest the loss of independance the treaty represents for their home region, and have announced they want to disrupt the rendering of treaty obligations by their own nations. Your next mission, should you choose to accept it, is to infliltrate them, I'm leaving you with this language primer, I hope it helps."   "Shouldn't tis go to a native? My accent will be notieable."   "Your grandmother was from the region, we hope to cover you as a returning, lapsed native to explain that."  

Natively known as: Dawn Brun /Dɑn Bruin/

  ...and he stood holding his hat and turned his wet face to the wind... a klee meven pruiven klee mest a risven klee zolt bergee scho vree[alt] Pronunciation: /aː kleː ˈmɛven ˈprœy̯ven kleː məst aː ˈrɪsven kleː zɔlt ˈbərɣeː sxoː vreː/ Dawn Brun word order: and he stood holding his hat and turned his wet face to the wind[/alt]  

Spelling & Phonology

  Consonant inventory: b d f j k l m n p r s t v x z ŋ ɣ ɦ ʋ  
Stopp bt dk
Fricativef vs zx ɣɦ
Lateral approximantl
    Vowel inventory: aː eː i oː u y øː œy̯ ɑ ɑu̯ ɔ ə ɛ ɛi̯ ɪ ʏ   Diphthongs: œy̯ ɑu̯ ɛi̯  
Highi yu
Near-highɪ ʏ
High-mideː øː
    Syllable structure: Custom defined Stress pattern: Initial — stress is on the first syllable Word initial consonants: b bl br d dr j k kl kr kʋ l m n p pl pr r s sl sn sp spr st sx sxr t tr tʋ v vl vr z zʋ ɣ ɣr ɦ ʋ Mid-word consonants: b bl br d dr f fd fm fx j k kt kɦ l ld lfd lk lp lt lv lɣ lʋ m mp mpj mt n nd nk nl nm nr ns nst nt ntf ntm ntr ntsn ntʋ nv nz nɣ nɦ nʋ p pk pl pn pt px r rb rbr rd rdʋ rk rkt rl rm rn rs rst rsx rsxr rt rtn rtr rv rz rɣ rɦ s sj sl spr st sx sxr t tf tj tk tr ts tst tz v vr x xt xtx z ŋ ŋk ŋr ɣ ɣr ɦ ʋ Word final consonants: f ft k kt l lf ls lt m n ns nt p r rs rt rxt s st t x xt ŋ ŋkt   Spelling rules:  
pb / _#
td / _#
dt / C_#
uoe / !_w
iie / C_#
ɛi̯ij / _#


  Main word order: Subject Verb Object (Prepositional phrase). “Mary opened the door with a key” turns into Mary opened the door with a key. Adjective order: Adjectives are positioned before the noun. Adposition: prepositions  


SingularNo affix goert /ɣurt/ dog
PluralIf starts with vowel: Prefix s- Else: Prefix seː- seegoert /ˈseːɣurt/ dogs


Definiteekt /ɛkt/ the
Indefinitebru /bry/ a, some
    Uses of definite article that differ from English:
  • Definite article can be omitted: ‘I am going to supermarket’
  • Not used for mass (uncountable) nouns: ‘Walking in the mud’ would always translate to ‘Walking in mud’.
  • Used for personal names in third person: ‘The Maria has left for school’


1st singularschoers /sxurs/ I blie /bli/ me
2nd singularo /oː/ you kre /krə/ you
3rd singular mascklee /kleː/ he, it wach /ʋɑx/ him, it
3rd singular femgie /ɣi/ she, it kwee /kʋeː/ her, it
1st pluralkun /kyn/ we tro /troː/ us
2nd plurallee /leː/ you all ui /œy̯/ you all
3rd pluralblirs /blirs/ they gou /ɣɑu̯/ them

Possessive determiners

1st singularschoers /sxurs/ my
2nd singularo /oː/ your
3rd singular mascklee /kleː/ his
3rd singular femgie /ɣi/ her
1st pluralkun /kyn/ our
2nd plurallee /leː/ your (pl)
3rd pluralblirs /blirs/ their


PresentNo affix maven /ˈmaːven/ learn
PastPrefix ʏ- umaven /ˈʏmaːven/ learned
Remote pastPrefix rœy̯- ruimaven /ˈrœy̯maːven/ learned (long ago)
FuturePrefix də- demaven /ˈdəmaːven/ will learn


  Dawn Brun has a base-10 number system:   1 - kui 2 - bie 3 - kre 4 - hees 5 - de 6 - left 7 - droe 8 - wou 9 - wo 10 - snech 11 - snechkui “ten-one” 100 - kui eich “one hundred” 101 - kui eich a kui “one hundred and one” 200 - bie eich 1000 - kui sta “one thousand”  

Derivational morphology

  Adjective → adverb = Prefix ɔ- Adjective → noun (the quality of being [adj]) = If starts with vowel: Prefix sx- Else: Prefix sxʏ- Adjective → verb (to make something [adj]) = Prefix vly- Noun → adjective (having the quality of [noun]) = Prefix møː- Noun → adjective relating to noun (e.g. economy → economic) = Prefix tʋøː- Noun to verb = If starts with vowel: Prefix r- Else: Prefix ri- Verb → adjective (result of doing [verb]) = Prefix u- Tending to = If starts with vowel: Prefix pr- Else: Prefix prɑu̯- Verb → noun (the act of [verb]) = Prefix dɑu̯- Verb → noun that verb produces (e.g. know → knowledge) = Prefix ʏ- One who [verb]s (e.g. paint → painter) = If starts with vowel: Prefix n- Else: Prefix nɛi̯- Place of (e.g. wine → winery) = Prefix ɔ- Diminutive = If starts with vowel: Prefix b- Else: Prefix bɛi̯- Augmentative = If starts with vowel: Prefix vl- Else: Prefix vloː-


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