Death of Dawn Moniqan

"Dawn Moniqan? That's been dead for centuries!"

"That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons even death may die."

"Phaw, that coot? What did Alhazard know?"

"He knew not everything that looks dead is dead, for one. Look around you, Moniqan has been dying for so long, people forget how it legally cannot die."

"Legally? That's a new one for a linguist!"

"Hear me out! A language is properly dead when no one speaks it, right?"

"Yeah, everyone knows that."

"Well, in Moniq, the law says the Hunarch must be a dual speaker of modern Moniqan, and Dawn Moniqan, until they change the law, the language is at best undead."

"You think it'll matter?"

"Eventually, but for now, there's a small minority at court that also speaks it, and they've been doing it to curry favor with the hunarch for generations."


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