Emdund Vasisliebe

Bleg of Bleg

"Fandull!"   "Kismaret to you too, Bleg of Bleg."   "My thanks for receiving me on such short notice, and my condoleances on your recent losses, young man."   "Kagomine mourns, but endures, Zim Vasisliebe."   "Quite, and these are?"   "My interim Secretary of State, interim Secretary of Defense, Secretary of the Interior and Prime Minister."   "And this one."   "Our Kitten-Ra specifically asked for a word, Zim."   "I know you, young one, you're not only the Kitten-Ra of this place."   "I am Lanungmei of Saphirdom, Feyd Soshitan, Ryder Kannagael, Lucair of Ferrare, Baron of Welf, Baron of Sottofumo-Tagliare. It has been brought to our attention that you and your new bride do not currently have any pets."   "I should run, or perhaps hide, a Kitten-Ra mentioning I do not currently have any companions? And me newly married at that?"   "This is Kruk, blood of cat kings and queens, descendant of Rembrandt, Cat Knight of Kagomei."   "She seems preoccupied."   "Well, her sister was giving birth, just a moment ago, that must be it."   "Oh, are they all fine?"   "We hope, but we will only know when she finishes giving birth, and we believe there is one kit yet to be born..."   "Oh, that sounds like good news!"   "Truly, six kits born to Corbo would be a great boon."   "Six? That is so many..."   "That is in part why I believe I should entrust Kruk to you, Kruk and her three sisters, and ten nieces would be fourteen, and while I love cats, they're not even all the people in my house."   "I hear you're the only man there..."   "I am, it's not usually a problem... But if all six new kits are female, I probably should schedule some boys night out in advance, say, ten years in advance, at this rate..."   "Ah-ah, quite droll!"   "If you will forgive us, Linni, we should move the party inside, if it pleases Kruk."   "Kruk loves indoors, there's a fireplace..." Linni said, partly for the benefit of Kruk's new... caretaker.   Kruk, for her part, was studying this new two-legs, he was distinguished, fit. Dressed differently from the two-legs she was used to: instead of flowing lines and curves, he was all sharp edges and angles. Instead of primary colours, he was charcoal and grey, a moving shadow with a hint of white and blue at the top. But first, essentials, she was hungry, and tried to let him know: "Miau!"   "What do I do? She seems nonplussed."   "That's the sound of an empty stomach, you need not worry, we brought not just our own favourite foods, but hers as well."   "And what does she prefer? Is it available in Bleg?"   "Moniqan Peach-fleshed River Gaigang is hardly endemic, but I'm sure you can get some."   "Peach-fleshed? She can tell?"   "Never dare a kit to be picky, it's a thought too horrible to contemplate."   "Oh, does she eat a lot?"   "Considering she weights under five kilos, she eats a considerable amount."  
— Ceremonial minutes of the official visit of the head of government of Bleg to Kagomine, 815AK, Megamisama City, Megamisama Domei.


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