EMS Innu Yesugai, Companion-Class Cruiser

"Stand tall!"

"I would have a word with those that lead this troop!"

"I speak for this troop, to whom do I have the immense honour of addressing?"

"I am Meihomei, I speak for the living, I speak for the dead,  my voice ripples from the heights of Meimei and Bameimei and down to the seas that surround Kagomei, listen in Valkyrie Bay, my voice is there, listen in Byzance, and my words are spoken, listen in Veneer, and they carve my words into blocks, listen in Kimaguray, and my voice times the Oyster divers. I am Meihomei, my word is law."

"I am not worthy, but we all do our best, those that serve. I am NFOR-07 Javelin Bundle attikamek"

"Whose name does this ship bear?"

"This ship bears the name of Innu Yesugai, a predecessor of Kagomei, and an ancestor of its ruler, those that are wise speak with restraint of what they don't know."

"And what do you know?"

"I know that a Sailor among Sailors, he who is the Telbun, soldier among soldiers, told me, watch this deck, and serve those who come on, bearing Meihomei's Flag for they are true. They serve her will as I do on Ambulon, Kagomei's own ship, and will not be led astray."

"Do you see any who are a soldier's soldier here, Attikamek?"

"I see you bring with you the Telbun, I need say naught else."

"Kon Attikamek!"


"Zim Meihomei asks you who is a soldier's soldier among your company, I hardly consitute news!"

"No one, not even I have reached that level of notice yet, Kon-Telbun-Zim!"

"Oh, everyone is new?"

"The oldest in our complement started duty here 3 months ago, we need time to learn our roles, with respect, Kon!"

"Concerning!" "But hardly surprising, in a shooting war, the first place you promote from, no matter how good, will run empty after enough war.  After all, Nessuna Comma, Nessuna Rolli, Taimine Andermani, Taimine Andei Dandelion, Eagle Baker, Javelin Bundle Mckibbins, Ornate Dagger Bundolier Tannenbaum all served on Yesugai."   "What's next?"   "The rest of Meihomei's fleet detachment?  But it is similarly depleted, the names I named mostly went through the detachment before their promotions."   "What fleet is next?"   "Sixth, the count of boxes of honour speaks for itself."   "I'm trying to promote to fill gaps in sixth!"   "But NDF is in refit, isn't sixth overnumbered?"   "Hmm, I guess seventh needs some sailors, to be quite specific."   "Seventh Fleet?  But we're busting OPM already..."   "I know, Nessuna-OPM Rolli's letter of complaint's ink is drying...  But she barely had anything to do with Amarat, a Kon above quota, but a new nugget of a Kon above quota, by himself, moved sixth fleet to its new moorings, she'll have to suck it up."   "He did that, by himself?  But that's 1600 people!  He must have wore through touchscreens!"   "He got spares before starting, a true son of Kagomei."


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