Executive Advisor

"Thank you for seeing me, Mister President."   "I'm always glad to meet my people's best people, Lamoureux. Hmm, I've heard that name before?"   "My mother was your father's Executive Advisor, but I was never that good in politics, Sir."   "You're Lainie's son? No way.:"   "Yes, Sir. She sends her regards by the way."   "What is she up to now? Organizing the algae-bro or is she doing the algae-bra this time?"   SoavĂ© bit his cheek not to laugh. "Nice one Sir. I don't think the algae-bro will be doing any organizing, for a while. Too many Fenici First there in the last raid. As you know, union protections don't extend to suspected or proven association with terrorists."   "That's good news, finally we're doing some damage to them. I can't believe you're her son, your personalities are so different."   "Well she was Executive Advisor of a Political Party, I'm Executive Advisor to the Armed Forces. Same job title, job is quite different. Mostly consisting of making sure the job gets done, of course. And letting the leadership concentrate on making decisions, as well. But my job has more clearances and tables of organisation, while hers had more vote enforcement and financial audits."   "Yes, she was a wizard at those, no one wanted to disappoint Lainie."   "Least of all me, after all, I got to see her temper up close and personal."   "Ah, she did take those anger management classes, once she retired?"   "Yes, but she wouldn't, not while she was in office. Once she actually did take them, she regretted waiting this long."   "What? She admitted being wrong?"   "She said: 'I though anger management would make me less angry, when what it would have was let me use my anger as a scalpel, I should have done this decades ago!'"


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