Fenici Fist

"My compatriots, my fellow Fenici!"

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Built around an elemental cycling core, this mystical artifact is a mystical power generator, designed to generate more power from interactions with dimensions in a universe not our own. Fully only explainable with 11-dimensional calculus, it generates a massive amount of power, but is limited in the kinds of power it can output when not used by a very advanced practictioner.
Unfortunately for free will, the 'easiest' spell to cast with it is a spell of mass mind control. Stripping hundreds of their free will about a specific action or topic for up to two weeks. When the Fenici First subversive group seized it, and discovered it could be used to help them unify the Benevolent diaspora, it was only more tragic, as the Benevolent broke up over their treatment of minorities in their own land. Now this artifact could be used to force the Benevolant back, under those who'd stop at nothing to achieve ethnic cleansing on three continents.


After it's creators untimely demise, it was passed from tribe leader to tribe leader, among the tribes descending from the Olmekians, for hundreds of years, bringing that tribe to ascendance among their kind.


A long-lost religious and mystical artifact of the early Olmeqian dynastic period, few would recognize its significance outside of well-learned sorcerer-priests, whose aura gets 'rubbed the wrong way' when an 'artifact of such resplendant power' is withing their reach.
Item type
Creation Date
It's a unique artifact, having been empowered by two of the earliest magicians working together, Ayatani of Loro and Kjelltomaloc of Xichulum, none remain that know the secrets of making another one.


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