Gohgur (/ˈgohgur/)

Natively known as: ˈgohgur /ˈgohgur/

  ...and he stood holding his hat and turned his wet face to the wind...
chu pyon bip him ji mun chu pyuk bam bip kap pyat byu
Pronunciation: /ʨʰu pʰjon piːp him ʨi muːn ʨʰu pʰjuk paːm piːp kʰap pʰjat pju/
Gogur word order: and he his hat holding stood and the wind to his wet face turned  

Spelling & Phonology

  Consonant inventory: d g h j k kʰ m n p pʰ s t tʰ w ŋ ɭ ɾ ʨ ʨʰ  
Stopp pʰt tʰ dk kʰ g
Affricateʨ ʨʰ
Lateral approximantɭ
  Co-articulated phonemes  
  Vowel inventory: a aː e eː i iː o oː u uː ɛ ɛː ɯ ɯː ʌ  
Highi iːɯ ɯː u uː
High-mide eːo oː
Low-midɛ ɛːʌ
Lowa aː
  Syllable structure: Custom defined ?
Stress pattern: Initial — stress is on the first syllable ?   Spelling rules:  
pb / #_ !_ʰ


  Main word order: Subject (Prepositional phrase) Object Verb. “Mary opened the door with a key” turns into Mary with a key the door opened.
Adjective order: Adjectives are positioned before the noun.
Adposition: postpositions ?  


  Nouns have three cases:
  • Ergative is the doer of a verb, when the verb is done to something: dog bites man.
  • Absolutive is used in two scenarios: the doer of a verb when not done to something (dog bites), and the done-to of a verb (man bites dog).
  • Genitive is the possessor of something: dog’s tail hits man.
ErgativeIf starts with vowel: Prefix etʨʰ-
Else: Prefix etʨʰiː-
ˈetchiteong /ˈetʨʰiːtʌŋ/ dog (doing a transitive verb)
AbsolutiveNo affix
teong /tʌŋ/ dog (doing an intransitive verb)
GenitivePrefix u-
ˈuteong /ˈutʌŋ/ dogʼs


SingularNo affix
ju /ʨuː/ the boy
No affix
et /et/ the girl
No affix
teong /tʌŋ/ the dog
PluralPrefix ɛː-
ˈaeju /ˈɛːʨuː/ the boys
If starts with vowel: Prefix p-
Else: Prefix po-
bet /pet/ the girls
Prefix o-
ˈoteong /ˈotʌŋ/ the dogs


SingularPrefix mjoː-
ˈmyoju /ˈmjoːʨuː/ a boy
Prefix ɛ-
ˈaeet /ˈɛet/ a girl
Prefix ta-
ˈtateong /ˈtatʌŋ/ a dog
PluralIf starts with vowel: Prefix ʨ-
Else: Prefix ʨeː-
ˈjeju /ˈʨeːʨuː/ some boys
Prefix i-
ˈiet /ˈiet/ some girls
Prefix ji-
ˈyiteong /ˈjitʌŋ/ some dogs


  Gogur encodes definite article ‘the’, and indefinite article ‘a’ in noun affixes. See Noun section.


1st singularael /ɛɭ/ I mung /muŋ/ me keop /kʰʌp/ mine
2nd singularep /ep/ you peu /pʰɯː/ you hyaem /hjɛm/ yours
3rd singular mascpyon /pʰjon/ he, u /u/ his, nyae /njɛ/ his,
3rd singular femsing /siːŋ/ she, bi /piː/ her, teong /tʌŋ/ hers,
3rd singular neutersa /sa/ it (neut) nom /noːm/ it (neut) bya /pjaː/ its (neut)
1st pluralbip /pip/ we ju /ʨu/ us ka /kʰaː/ ours
2nd pluralmeut /mɯt/ you all pyang /pʰjaŋ/ you all jin /ʨin/ yours (pl)
3rd plural mascmyal /mjaɭ/ they (masc) kye /kjeː/ them (masc) ung /uːŋ/ theirs (masc)
3rd plural femnyang /njaŋ/ they (fem) o /o/ them (fem) myeot /mjʌt/ theirs (fem)
3rd plural neuternut /nut/ they (neut) nye /njeː/ them (neut) me /me/ theirs (neut)

Possessive determiners

1st singularpyek /pʰjek/ my
2nd singulara /a/ your
3rd singular mascbip /piːp/ his
3rd singular femmae /mɛ/ her
3rd singular neutersae /sɛː/ his, her, its (neut)
1st pluraleul /ɯɭ/ our
2nd pluralmol /moɭ/ your (pl)
3rd plural mascwu /wu/ their (masc)
3rd plural femsong /soŋ/ their (fem)
3rd plural neuterseu /sɯː/ their (neut)


PresentNo affix
im /im/ (I (masc)/we (masc)/you (masc)/you all (masc)/he/they (masc)) learn(s)
No affix
im /im/ (I (fem)/we (fem)/you (fem)/you all (fem)/she/they (fem)) learn(s)
No affix
im /im/ (I (neut)/we (neut)/you (neut)/you all (neut)/it (neut)/they (neut)) learn(s)
PastPrefix noː-
ˈnoim /ˈnoːim/ (I (masc)/we (masc)/you (masc)/you all (masc)/he/they (masc)) learned
Prefix a-
ˈaim /ˈaim/ (I (fem)/we (fem)/you (fem)/you all (fem)/she/they (fem)) learned
Prefix u-
ˈuim /ˈuim/ (I (neut)/we (neut)/you (neut)/you all (neut)/it (neut)/they (neut)) learned
Remote pastIf starts with vowel: Prefix t-
Else: Prefix tɯː-
tim /tim/ (I (masc)/we (masc)/you (masc)/you all (masc)/he/they (masc)) learned (long ago)
If starts with vowel: Prefix p-
Else: Prefix piː-
bim /pim/ (I (fem)/we (fem)/you (fem)/you all (fem)/she/they (fem)) learned (long ago)
If starts with vowel: Prefix ɾ-
Else: Prefix ɾaː-
rim /ɾim/ (I (neut)/we (neut)/you (neut)/you all (neut)/it (neut)/they (neut)) learned (long ago)
FuturePrefix hjɯː-
ˈhyeuim /ˈhjɯːim/ (I (masc)/we (masc)/you (masc)/you all (masc)/he/they (masc)) will learn
If starts with vowel: Prefix iːg-
Else: Prefix iːguː-
ˈigim /ˈiːgim/ (I (fem)/we (fem)/you (fem)/you all (fem)/she/they (fem)) will learn
If starts with vowel: Prefix ʌŋs-
Else: Prefix ʌŋsʌ-
ˈeongsim /ˈʌŋsim/ (I (neut)/we (neut)/you (neut)/you all (neut)/it (neut)/they (neut)) will learn

Progressive aspect

  The ‘progressive’ aspect refers to actions that are happening at the time of speaking, such as I am learning.
Gogur uses an affix for progressive:  
ProgressivePrefix haː-
ˈhaim /ˈhaːim/ is learning

Habitual aspect

  The ‘habitual’ aspect refers to actions that happen habitually, such as I learn (something new every day), as opposed to actions that happen once (I learned something).
Gogur uses a standalone particle word for habitual:
HabitualParticle before the verb: wuː -
wu im /wuː im/ learns


  Gogur has a base-10 number system:   1 - cha
2 - eup
3 - hu
4 - yu
5 - byan
6 - in
7 - ˈaki
8 - ko
9 - na
10 - on
100 - nyan
1000 - ni

Derivational morphology

  Adjective → adverb = Prefix ka-
Adjective → noun (the quality of being [adj]) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -k
Else: Suffix -ɯk
Adjective → verb (to make something [adj]) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -n
Else: Suffix -an
Noun → adjective (having the quality of [noun]) = Prefix u-
Noun → adjective relating to noun (e.g. economy → economic) = If starts with vowel: Prefix m-
Else: Prefix mʌ-
Noun to verb = If ends with vowel: Suffix -k
Else: Suffix -ɛk
Verb → adjective (result of doing [verb]) = Prefix ʨʰwo-
Tending to = If ends with vowel: Suffix -ŋ
Else: Suffix -aːŋ
Verb → noun (the act of [verb]) = Suffix -ɛːk
Verb → noun that verb produces (e.g. know → knowledge) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -n
Else: Suffix -aːn
One who [verb]s (e.g. paint → painter) = Prefix eː-
Place of (e.g. wine → winery) = Suffix -ɯn
Diminutive = If ends with vowel: Suffix -ŋ
Else: Suffix -oːŋ
Augmentative = If ends with vowel: Suffix -tʰa
Else: Suffix -ɛtʰa


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