
hutrosos, adv. apocr. ref. to 'the warlord's shaven balls'
— Early Kagomine Kingdom period and its odd rituals
A sport-related activity, played on an octogonal table with pockets on each of its eight vertices/corners.  

Game setup

  Each hole is numbered 0-7, and one plays with a cue stick, and with two 'ord' or cue balls, one white('star') and one black('ap'). There are 15 neutral-coloured balls, as well, laid out in an equilateral triangle at the beginning of the game, that one scores with(so a triangle of 5 balls on any side). If one is shooting with star, one must be shooting in a odd-numbered hole(tahastro, not-even), and with ap, one must shoot using the black cue ball, from its current position, and white if one's score is odd. This reverses for even-number holes/pockets. On the first shot of any game, or when one has the 'hand', one may move the required cue ball, to a position of its choice, up to thrice per game, per player. Failure to pocket a ball, or pocketing other balls in odd-numbered pockets as well as even, or vice-versa, is a foul, and hands the 'hand' to the other player, along with the points for any of their balls sunk, while losing one's balls' scoring points for the round. Played with two teams of 1-2 players. Betting is normally called 'heft', or 'width', to imply the gravity that slows down a ball.  


  Scoring is further complicated that the balls are numbered, and sinking a ball in the hole it corresponds to, scores double, except for balls 15 which always scores neutrally. So, for instance, if one player would sink ball 14, in the 7th hole, he'd get 28 points(this is the largest score for a single ball). If one shoots the lowly 1 ball, in the one hole, one gets two points, if one shoots it in any other odd hole, they get one point, and in an even hole, they lose the hand, and score zero for the round, even if other balls were properly entered into their respective holes.


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