Kagomei State Vehicles

"We'll need to get your aircar re-plated."
  "Why Senya?"
  "It's carrying you, ergo it's now an official state vehicle."
  "You're the Bameimeito, you can't legally be interrupted in the business of state, except for endangering others."
  "You're the only person I know who doesn't go: 'I can't be arrested? Cool.'"
  "I've been there, and had to give it up, unlike most people."
  "When I was Valour-Keeper, I literally was signing the paychecks of everyone whose job was lifeguard or border guard."
  "And the soldiers, yeah, there'd be no one left to arrest you."
  "I wasn't signing their paychecks, not the soldiers."
  "No, but you sat on the board of everyone's promotions, anyone who's anyone, at least. And now you sign them."
  "I thought that was Mother, still."
  "Oh, you're Bameimeito, but she stays Nameihomei?"
  "Except when she's in the hospital, which is going to happen soon..."
  "She's giving me a baby sibling, nothing scary, I hope, but she's already told me I'd be Nameihomei-by-interim for the duration."
  "Oh, considerate of her to let you know in advance."
  "I must sound petulant to you."
  "Whiny, reluctant to accept responsability."
  "Well, I do lack the perspective to really understand your reluctance to accept more power..."
  "Because more power is an illusion, I'm refusing more responsibility, my power to affect things is seldom increased proportionately."
  "Is it ever increased? Do you refuse more responsibility, because it doesn't come with more power to change things?"
  "Partially, I can't remember the last time my ability to change things really increased."
  "I'm sure you can, you're being a bit harsh now."
  "When did I really gain more power to affect things?"
  "When you met Flora, for one."
  "Oh, you meant..."
  "I meant when you gained power through other people, your personal exercise of power is probably capped at the level you had when you were.... six or seven I think. But you gain even more power through allies, and you keep adding those all the time..."
  "You've given me a lot to think about, thank you Senya."

  "Nellun, what's this?"
  "Young Master, I'm told you've received a new official vehicle."
  "A new one? Senya just said she had to re-do the plates."
  "And you signed what she put under your hand?"
  "Sigh, yes, yes I did."
  "Well, my eldest daughter is hardly a criminal, she asked to authorize a new vehicle because it's believed this one will protect you better. Also, unlike your current one, it has range to reach at least Moniq on a full load of dinitro."
  "What, a flying car, with RANGE? What is this wonder?"
  "I'm told your mother wanted you to have this."
  "Oh, so it's not a state vehicle, but a personal possession?"
  "It's an official vehicle, covered as a personal possession, not unlike 'Meihomei's Yacht'."
  "Ah, that useful fiction. Hopefully, I won't use this one for diplomatic statements."
  "Less missile capacity in this one."
  "I'm glad you're here to bring me back to reality."
  "Moving on, this is a VSM-1200 naddoccie cruocche."
  "Oh, a beneventi aircar, someone must really like me."
  "It's also literally translating as painful truth."
  "Yes, I know, I was invited to the launch of this car, back in Sottologna."
  "I didn't make it, but I did hear the party was rauquous, by local standards. At any rate, I'm fluent in Benevent, it's a legal requirement to be a candidate to the title of Mastarna of Benevento, which I've been since I've been ten."
  "Ah, err..."
  "Oh, and you're not? Hand me the sheet then, and, Nellun?"
  "Yes, young master?"
  "Thank you. Don't think I don't appreciate you trying to remind me I have to be more careful."
  "Err, yes, that's important, that aircar has the most fatalities-per-vehicle of any civilian vehicle."
  "Not the most fatalities, total?"
  "Err, no, when the Bunian-Line flight 134 Fugazzi widebody was taken down by the invaders, it crashed into one of its fellows... that one incident single-handedly adding 700 casualties to that type. There's not enough VSM-built aircars yet to challenge those fatality numbers, and won't be until 821."
  "Err, oh yes."


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