Kagomine Reckoning

"Arr, I want to punch someone!"

"Calm yourself, Mariwolfe, just what's gotten you in this foul mood?"

"Who the Jitatin-elemental thought my carrying a flag that'd not be too small for a ship's boat at all times would be a good idea, I'd like to know!"

"Calm yourself, you'll blow a gasket. I thought you liked the flag..."

"I love the flag, I just hate having to carry it everywhere."

"I bet it's doing wonders for your arm strength though..."

"Haven't lost at armwrestling since... You may be onto something..."

"Challenged Abirnoth yet?"

"Won, thrice. Tadros, five times. I need new challengers, ones who'll bring beer..."

"I 'reckon that's my cue to enter, Zim-Meritant-Kon, if you please?"

"There'll be no such foolishness in my office, Kon Weintold! If you two want to armwrestle, you'll not do it in this office where the nation of Kagomei was signed into law..."

"Aw, pout, but that was the main fun of it..." Mariwolfe's smile was impish...

"I said no, and I can still brig you for insubordination, for all the troups respect towards your rank, you are still expected to obey lawful orders, Mari!"

"Whoa, whoa, I'm not the only one tense, am I Mae? Oh, wait... Kon Waintold, go wait outside, I'll join you there..."

"What are you playing at, Mari?"

"New grib?"

"Passing boytoy, nothing wrong with him, but not that much chemistry, either..."

"I should have known, you only ever get tense with people you get personal with..."

"By my sign-manual and seal, I approve this as an instrument of Kagomei's political will, democratically conveyed, let it be so, by my Edict." Was the last paragraph, ugh, less flowery then some, but she still had a way to go before she reached the brevity of the early founders.

"By will of Kagomei's peoples, so say we all."
— Sign-off of early Kagomine Law.

"Hmm." She struck off her earlier phrase, knowing it was going to be re-calligraphed by someone whose handwriting wasn't going to be a challenge to historians. "By my sign-manual and seal, I approve this, so say we all." She replaced it with, and sent it down the line.

  • "Major conniption at the legislature!"
  • "Meihomei thinks highly of herself!"
  • "A bold new form!"
  • "Back to basics! Meihomei's new legal framing a throwback to the founding of Kagomei, and to Kagomine's earliest laws."
  • Were some of the headlines in the morning, off all services, it seems they all had something to say.

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