KEMS Misa Hayase, Founder-class Battlecruiser

"It is my sad duty and weighty honour to call you all to orders today."

What remained of department 65 of Sixth Fleet came to. A few winced, the bandages were not in the exact proper place for a salute, hopefully that could be adjusted, or it would be a long tour...

"Department 65 of Kagomine Navy Sixth Fleet, aboard KEMS Misa Hayase, Founder-Class Battlecruiser, has been transferred to reserve status. With no prejudice, it is by edict of Meihomei that the ship be renamed EMS-1097 Misa Hayase, and listed among the rolls of honour for the Navy. To that effect, from now, unto perpetuity, there will always be a Misa Hayase ship among the Kagomine Navy Fleet, unless dispensated by Meihomei, except for the vagaries of ship rebuild and refit. For the remaining survivors of department 65, they are to be granted a unit citation of Rembrandt's Memorial Medal for Distinguished Service, and individual awards have been made for any sailors injured, hurt or otherwise engaged in hostile action to Kagomei's benefit and in intent thereof. Meihomei thanks all survivors of department 65 of sixth fleet for their service, and will recall them to duty, in other department, once their medical situation allows."

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