Mayor of a city-state

"Hello there, I am Amarat Beltran Meltran Flinflon Nomintan Killidarvi Sporray Sottofumare Konigsee Stillbergen Ferrare Takahashi Dandelion Matsumoto Kagomei Veneer, Meritant of Honour, Feyd Veneer, Lanungmei of Kimaguré, Baron of Sporray, Baron of Konigsee, Count of Stillbergen, Namolec prime of Sottolanga, Loroni-warbaron of Utta-Utta, Prince of Ferrare, High Prince of Benevento, Valour-keeper of Kagomei-by-interim, Meritant of Honour, I'd like to speak to Mayor Dialekki."   "I wish you people would get my memos! I've been trying to get addressed as governor for years now!"   "Err, Governor Dialekki, most of us do not get to choose their own titles!"   "Err, but you're one of a handful of people whose city is larger than mine, or who can claim more responsability! If you would help me in this, as you helped us all during the treaty, I am getting you a statue!"   Amarat looked like he'd been poleaxed. "A statue?"   "Well, surely that's happened before?"   "Err, no, thank the elements. Even my parents don't have one of those yet, although all four of my grandparents do."   "All four?"   "Grandmother Prithyanka and Schoonvance, Grandfathers Meltran and Beltran, all four got a statue, mostly commemorating their sad passing."   "I see you're named after both your grandfathers."   "I am,
Civic, Political


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