Meihomei's silver star of preparedness


For a lifeguard, life is rough, some stop fires, some stop domestic arguments, some stop riots, some investigate organized crime, some murders. All are considered key to Kagomei's security, stability and prosperity.

Each department has its own award of this medal, for this purpose, a department is a single command numbering no less than a regular Kagomine division(1000 personnel). At times, the spiritual support department did not reach this number, and so the award was not granted to any unit, causing much friction, as many priests and sorcerers felt their powers gave them impact greater than some more numerous units.


The most awards of the unit have belonged to the Garay Domeidom Lifeguards, with six, all for a period consecutive to the attempted assassination of their principal, following the palace plot of 790.


Second to this, the Lavali Forensics Department has received four awards, none consecutive.


The lilleath vice squad, with three awards, completes the top three. Having won the award for three years in a row, at the yearly Meihomei's birthday galas.

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