NSS New Beginnings

"Welcome to NSS New Beginnings, normally we only have little children wanting to try our robots, you must be some kind of dignitary."   "I am a researcher, and an admirer of the work that this ship performs, tell me, do they know who you are?" Amarat asked the man with the ancient appearance of a wizened sorcerer, but the effect broken by brass cases, bronze tubes making an unruly assortment atop his robes   "Who do you think I am?"   "You don't remember me, Quidditch master? I am much disappointed."   "I'm sorry, what? Quidditch Master? Amarat? My, how you've grown! Here, let me give you a hug."   "Master Hari Pawtel , Modern Magelord of Nisei, it is nice to see you. Your ship always brings such joys to poor children on the beaches."   "This is a much more posh beach, and there are fewer children, unless you brought yours, young Namei."   "Ah, no such blessing upon my house yet, Master, but there is someone you could meet."   "Amarat? Who is this man?"   "I am Hari Pawtel."   "Hari Pawtel, Magelord of Nisei, First Librarian of Oda, Puissant Practitioner and Modern Mage of Mechanics, owner and inventor of this vessel and one of my first teachers, please meet Flora Rolli , Shrike and deputy windmistress of Kagomine Sixth Fleet ."   "Err, what is the Kagomine Sixth fleet? I thought they only had five..."   Amarat pointed to the Fleet, clearly visible across the bay.   "Which ones are the fleet?"   "The one with the Red Eagle leads the fleet, all sixteen ships form the fleet."   "Sixteen, wait, that's TWO flycarriers? And I've never seen ones that big..." Hari was looking through shipmaster binoculars at the assembled ships.   "I'm told that they push past 50000 tons in a significant enough way to be candidates to being the largest military ships afloat, should their tonnage be unclassified. And your own ship? Here for business?"   "I'm here to spend time with children."   "And the ones in Oda won't do?"   "I must be away from Oda a bit, there was... an explosion."   "Children weren't harmed, I hope?"   "No, no heavens, I wouldn't perform experiments with children nearby... At least, not with explosives..."   "But this ship, which you invite children on, is such an experiment?"   "Well, I tinker slightly with it, but it is well known, well-understood sorcertek, it is safe for the children and for myself too. You'll notice I need no help crewing her."   "Impressive, and you sailed here right across from Nisei?" Asked Flora.   "Ah no, I wandered, I went from Edo to Intralos in Pinay , then Tuguadidi in Tugaloo, then here, then I plan to skip past Seylon, to use that wind tunnel effect and race to Tamili in the Hand , then come back Moniq , Veneer-Simular, Abendeen, Goguryeo.   "You should visit, if I or Mother are home, you are most welcome."   "Your Mother is well?"   "Yes, but you should come and greet her, she will chide me for keeping your teachings to myself."   "She is?"   "Whose Flag do you think that is?" He pointed back to the Red Eagle of Kagomei.   "Meihomei's?"   "Not quite, that's Meihomei's..." He pointed to the comparatively smaller missile armored cruiser(EMS Great Kagome steaming to reach port. "The one the larger ship has my mother's Emerald sideline."   "Just how did your mother get a flag this close to Meihomei's?"   "By being Meihomei's second in command and most trusted advisor, surely. Since she is Nameihomei."   "Oh, what's this Nameihomei?"   "Surely you have something similar in Nisei, the person who gets things done?"   "We do not reward them with flags..."   "My mother sees it as a duty, not a reward."   "Ah, she is wise. Let me lock up here, and I will go visit. Seems we will have much to talk about, Meihomei does not race to Lai Dan on her own ship for pleasure."   "Yay!"   "Pleasure to meet you, young lady."   "The knowledge is mine, ancient master."   "Oh, I like her, she waits for you to underestimate her, then she pounces..."
That bucket of bolts
NSS Nisei Sailing Ship


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