Rembrandt Memorial Honour Box

"What's that?"   "Oh, that? That's Rembrant-Meritant-Zim's honour-box."   "Wait, that's a cat, since when does it rate a 'zim'?"   "Oh, being the only cat to have a medal name after it, and the only cat to get a Merit of Honour, like ever?"   "Oh, that cat. Prithyanka's puss?"   "That one, saved the royal family, died doing it, his brother did the same in Brunswick, they're big potatoes."   "How big?"   "I forget you're from out of town, Rembrandt gets a parade in his honour every spring. If you were a local, you'd not ask that question."   "Like, big?"   "Like, humans wish they had that kind of following. There's Meihomeis that aren't remembered that fondly."   "Well, that tracks, those emeralds are huge!"   "They're leftovers..."   "Leftovers?"   "Leftovers... from the crown jewels itself. It used to be a single jewel, about half a kilo. Now it's 20% on the scepter, 15% on the crown, 10% on three rings, and more than 10% on this puss' own statue."   "Why'd you say more than 10?"   "Because the actual percentage is classified."   "How much do you think it's worth?"   "Not sure anyone rightly knows, you want an insurance assayer to quit, you tell him he has to come into this room, and assay this statue, the throne itself, and the crown, scepter, rings, behind me, because he's responsible for the amount."   "I thought the statue would be platinum?"   "It can't be, there's not that much platinum in Kagomei, although I even doubt this much jet, red and black sapphires?". He pointed out the cat's chin, knees and nose, indeed, made of either jet or black corundrum. "Worth a pretty penny all the same. And those rubies?"   "Pure corundum, yes."  
Item type
Jewelry / Valuable

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