So you gave up the power?

"So you gave up the power?"

"I tried..." There was frustration in his voice. "But I don't think you can uninherit royalty..."

"I can't believe you didn't realize, when they called you Bameimeito, it makes you the next Meihomei..."

"If I live that long. Amalthéa is in her fourties, she has plenty of rule left..."

"And your mom?"

"Is officially out of the order of succession, had to be for me to be called Bameimeito."

"She'd have been Bameimeita?"

"She didn't even need to be, as nameihomei, she was de facto heir unless someone else was chosen."

"I can't believe you used her name just now, you are as close to blood of hers as anyone, and it's still shocking to see you calling her by her given name."

"That's not the shocking part, the shocking part is that I did it, because I have to get used to the idea that people may call Meihomei, and mean... well... me. In the future."

"You're already the highest to me." She waggled her eyebrows at him.

"Hmm, I wanted to mention... a sensitive topic..."

"What is that?"

"Err, as Bameimeito, I'm expected... to produce... heirs..."


"Err, well, singular expected, plural preferred, kinda."

"And this is a problem, how, exactly?" As she sashayed to him. He had no other word, well perhaps undulated. It was like a sensual wave that moved towards him, ther perched herself in his lap. "I know you and I were interrupted when we were trying to discuss this the last time. You see, I have absolutely no objection to bearing your children, Zim."


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