The Alessian War of Independance

"Who knew what would happen?"   "That they'd represent Democracy, for all their attempts at subverting it, and that tacky anthem..."  

"We were there when it all started, we stood for freedom!
We fought for the side of angels, never expecting nor giving quarter!
We fought on and on, we never surrendered!
We fought for your father and your mother
And this is how you repay us!

We are the new wave, the new surge, we come undone.
We lift your demographics, we are the new generation.
We are the new real, we want the new deal.
We are the new level, you want to be your seal.

I am the high mark, I am the ballpark
I live in the dark, I am the new lark
Get on this new level, I am not purple
Name those you despise, shame those with no respite

  "Ugh, the anthem's not my favourite, but it is interesting how they rose up against loyalists and won. Despite that attempt at subversion that happened later."   "Yeah, they did keep a very limited form of constitutional monarchy..."   "Like their neighbours, the Bleg, who did after all send the loyalists support, mostly troops and ammunition."

The Conflict


All over Alessian forests, small groups of guerilla rose up, attacking garrison units who were badly trained and unprepared for their own countrymen to attack them.


Asymmetrical warfare was very much on the attacker's favour.


The constituational Monarchy became a republic with a monarch chief of state with strictly limited constitutional powers.

Historical Significance


Alessia is often thought as a stronghold of democracy.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Conflict Result
The Alessian Rebels overthrew the Loyalist and Established a constitutional monarchy


Alessian Loyalist Forces
Alessian Freedom Forces





  • Eurani


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Aug 10, 2021 08:02 by Dimitris Havlidis

Thank you for submitting on my special category! I really hope you enjoyed taking part in SummerCamp this year! Have a wonderful day and I hope we see you on the awards ceremony!

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