The Magnificent Emerald Nightclub

At the doors of the Laughing Fire, at the end of a successful evening.
  "Where we going next?"   "The Em?"   "We always go to the Em."   "And we have a good time there, why break something that works?"   "Point. The Em does have drinks, dancing, room, and no people to annoy me, win."   "Hips! Yay, we get to see Flora get... get drunk!"   "Will you put a sock in it Mariwolfe?"   "Mari, you and I are going home, you're no good to anyone like this, making passes at two guys who are together?"   "Hey, they totally are chill, like, really..."   "Maybe, but you had the subtlety of a sledgehammer, they aren't going to be chill, not after you said it like that..."   "Aww..."   "Come on, I'm taking you home..."   "But Levikins!"   "You don't get to levikins me, you do not put your hands on guys, even if they are friends, because you're drunk!"   "Flora, you sure you want to go to the Em?"   "Yeah, Amarat, haven't gone out in a while, looking forward to it."   He put his hand on her hip, and drew her close.   "You, Amarat, have been hiding some miles of smooth away from me..." She was dimpling at him, her cheeks red. He plucked a kiss, then they hopped into a rental aircar, and minutes later, they were being dropped at The Magnificent Emerald, 'The Em' for locals, or anyone familiar with it.   Repurposed from a bottling factory, the Em had been worked on extensively, the outer walls covered entirely with thin black granite panels, where inlaid green stone had nothing to do with Emeralds, but did give it a certain air. The black and green needed an actual permit, as they were the Imperial Colours in Kagomei, but that had been secured when as Bameimeita Amalthéa, heiress to the throne, and Nameita Mikhala, next in line, started visiting regularly. The prior ownership had just bribed the proper officials, so this official sanction helped make the business more profitable. In turn, the management decided to invest in the decor and in new guest appearances by what turned soon into bigger and bigger names.   "Oh, look, Amarat, VIP lane."   "You gonna try it?"   "I'm game if you are."   "Ahem!"   "I'm sorry."   "Zim-Meritant-Zim, please let me allow you to skip ahead of the line."   "What?"   "VIP lanes are not title-118 exempt. Please go ahead, both of you, with our thanks for your service." The usher had seen Amarat's matching ribbon.   "Dang, they saw it."   "Yeah, I keep wanting to wear it against my skin, you know, not visible, but that's against regs."   "With that dress, you can't hide much, it's almost transparent!"   "Goes to show what you know... I can hide plenty, in plain sight..."   "Let's not argue, we're making a scene."   "Oh, you definitely need to make this up to me, sweet Namei."   "Get you anything"   "Hmm, that starfruit and hard liquor was pretty tasty at the Fire, get me one?"   "Sure. You know you can get ust about anything from me with that dimpled smile, too."   "Oh, you flirt! But yeah, you are pretty easy to manage..." She flashed him a bit of leg too.
Dance club


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