Title 055


Being that respect in a society is best established by commonly-agreed upon standards. Accordingly, we must sadly codify the respect of one's body, and the intrusion of such on the collective spaces, to prevent misunderstandings, confusion, unnecessary anger and prevent abuse.

In this document, we plan to set forth first principles and codify practices for the benefit of all, guided by our founding rulers and their contemporaries' intent when founding our great kingdom, but also contemporary practices to prevent unrest and conflict amongst our people.

Notably, being a people who honour the elements, we have enquired of their representatives among us, and they have declined to codify norms of clothing, outerwear and related concepts. The official word from the Kautanissian Conclave is that clothing is a regional, local affair, attendant on climate and culture. Furthermore, they remind us, many cultural events, like festivals, rituals and life events, such as pregnancy and parenthood, require a deft touch in order to accomodate pressures on the social fabric caused by imponderables.


While we keep to heart their wise advice, we also feel justified in proceeding with the following title of law:

It is determined that for any resident or visitor of Kagomine having been introduced to the Elements, that is, who has undergone puberty, is forbidden from exposing breasts, behind or genitals in any public context. While if this is done by accident, and kept brief, representing some clothing malfunction, perhaps, and remedied rapidly, no penalty shall be assessed.

In the event of a deliberate breach of such rules, and for the remainder of this article, intoxication and other mental impairments will count if being intoxicated was under the control of the perpetrator, the party shall be fined two thousand credits for each incident involving such exposure.


For the sake of this article, the following shall not be considered public spaces:

  • Temples and shrines of the elements
  • Spas, saunas and other places of public bathing
  • Public establishments with a class 2 liquor and morality license or higher.
  • For the purpose of this article, an exception is granted:

  • Celebrations in which all guests are adults, and who have been told in advance that such exposure will be taking place, and who explicitly consent.
  • Adjudication

    Empaneled to judge these cases are the class 3 morality judge or colour court of any district. Should an armed servicemember be found to be in violation of this title of law, his case may not be remanded to an armed services judge, and must be judged by the community in which the act has been commited. Local communities may add to these standards, but sparingly, any community's standards are subject to judicial, religious and practical review no less frequently than every five years. Should review not be granted within that period, the local community standard will be unenforceable until review completes.


    Are deliberately not covered by this title are the sequences of events where one is not in control fo their faculties due to the acts of a third party. Please refer to Title 068 for such cases. We are deliberately setting forth our intent not to punish unintentional violations due to mind control and instances where one unknowingly violates this title not through their own volition or negligence.

    Manuscript, Legal


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    May 16, 2022 23:17 by Makenzie Turney

    This article is well laid out and reads like a legal document. Good work!

    May 16, 2022 23:20

    Thank you!

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