Treaty Authority

"Almost every recent treaty has a seperate body, created and funded as part of the treaty, can any of you students tell me when this started?"   Two students raised their hands.   "Yes, Marko?"   "The first treaty with treaty authority was the Pact of Eurani."   "That's not true, or I should say, it was the first one, but it did not start a trend, I'm looking for the trend. Amelia?"   "Most treaties were thought to be less contentious until the Treaty of Abendeen, in 732."   "What was special about that one, students?"   "It stopped the last Moniqan invasions."   "That's true, but what else?"   "It had six sides?"   "Ah, yes, and why do you think it's important?"   "Well, the treaty was made possible when the five sides all joined against Moniq, so over time, the worry would be that the alliance would break down, or Moniq would subvert it, while the penalties for the Moniqans had been deliberately set to last over a long period, instead of hobble them short term."   "That is all correct, but incomplete, check your textbooks, the treaty authority was added due to the Naval provisions, which the nations themselves didn't think they could enforce, as Kagomei and Moniq were quite more advanced than the others at that time, and as later addenda to the treaty prove, the treaty was quite ahead of its time, being used to regulate the Navy of NuovaFirenze and New Etrusca later. What else can you tell me about the treaty of Abendeen?"   "It was the first treaty to have an authority with its own flag?"   "Someone has read their textbook! Yes, it was the first, and the first to have extra-territorial jurisdiction. Eurani got a similar provision, but only once they expelled Moniq from their defensive clauses. Ever since, all treaties have a flag, and uniform for any troups seconded to the defense of the treaty. And any alliance with mutual defensive clauses is automatically extra-territorial and extra-continental. Why do you think that is?"   "It's so the treaty can enforce its clauses against attacks?"   "No, but it's a good effort Willy, what about you Shimra?"   "Because of false flag operations? If someone tried to blame Moniq for an assault on Magrat, which is on another continent, and not party to the treaty, who would enforce it?"   "Exactly, that is why all such treaties now are subject to a treaty themselves. Yes, there is a treaty to enforce treatises, what is it called?"   Silence.   "The Tergivergens Treatise. Homework on my desk by end of day friday, with finals next week, don't be tardy!"


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