Void Dolphin

Two researchers, tending a small catamaran, heading towards a small island, where a body lies.   "Look at that!" The smallest researcher pointed to the carcass, the remains of a seal.   "It is significant!"   "Look at all the blood!"   "What do you think caused this?"   "I don't know, oh, look at those teeth marks!" Indeed, the seal carcass bore a long, curved arc of fierce teeth-shaped cuts.   "Oh, let's get out of here..."   "What? Why?"   "Saimon reported some of those Void Dolphins setting traps for humans before, and hiding under the surface, ready to pounce. We should come back later, when there are more sea creatures about and we're not the only prey. That Void Dolphin wouldn't need to chew to eat you, after all." He didn't need to add that despite being significantly taller, and almost half as heavy, the Void Dolphin's four meter wide jawline would accomodate him too.   "Well, that explains some things at least?"   "What?"   "Well, in Nisei and Sardé, the Void Dolphins are hunted. In Sardé, that's if they are found to dwell too close to humans."   "And in Nisei?"   "They are considered magical reagent sources, and seasonal hunt is allowed. This of course, has led to populations near Nisei to become nearly non-existent."   "I want to say this makes me angry, but it doesn't. They would eat us!"   "Apparently, arndan liver is quite nutritious to them."   "Shocking! They'd eat us?"   "Apparently, we're a nice, light snack, considering a bull whale will weight around 7 tons and measure up to 9 meters long, I'm sure I'm not exaggerating."   "I'm shocked and appalled, these are Arndans we're talking about!


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