
Tell us about a famous animal in your world - how did they get to be so famous?

Not unlike it's brother Rembrandt, Bellini is a minor celebrity, having discovered, and thwarted, an assassination attempt, practically, by itself.

Few know the exact details of Bellini's feat, since it was covered up, in part to help the investigation of what actually happened.


Having been gifted by a close relative of the Mastarna of Benevento, to the then-Bresciani Res, the exact details of everyone's involvement were covered up, to prevent giving too much influence to the Mastarna of Benevento, as at the time, Benevento seemed on the verge of full-blown rebellion. When Amarat Veneer Senior died, and with his wife acting as regent for his son, the rebellion lost credibility with many hardliner Benevent, who saw the wife as a foreigner, and the son as 'half-foreigner, foreign-born, unable to understand the age-long struggle of the Benevent people'.

The forensic report of the attempted assassination had the cat run 500m in 36 seconds, climbing a four-metre tall(eyewitness reports vary on how many jumps were required, and the video is not publicly available) building to reach the terrace on top, and biting the hand of the would be assassin where he was threatening his owner. Most people would not believe the cat capable of such a thing, and everyone assumes the distance to be about half that, and the event happening on the ground floor, except for:

  • The Kagomine royal family and retainers, who know Rembrandt did a similar feat.
  • The Bresciani royal family and retainers, who captured it on video and use it to show just how 'harmless' a cat can be.
  • The black-footed sandcat, native to Loro, is the closest relative to the common housecat still in the wild, and it's athelticism is thought to be on display in Bellini's feat by R.Spaulding in his essay about the attempted assassination.


    Those who've seen an active aquafold say this is is utter poppycock, as 500m in 36s is around 50km/h, fully within a normal cat's sprint, let alone one whose entire family is famed for athleticism and defending their humans fiercely.

      Bellini's green eyes for a male are very rare, and considering his brother and litter-mate, Rembrandt had the same, they're thought to be an exceedingly rare (23 000 000 to 1) gene coded error that resulted in twins, which only added to their fame.  


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