CI-09† Undersecretary of State for Classification

  "First-Meihomei-Actual, First-Meihomei-Factual, First-Meihomei-True, please respond."   "Meihomei's not on her comm, this is First-Meihomei-Acting."   "This is palace air traffic control, 0051st Skycutter Squadron reports inbound Kagomine FlyForce Gunskycutters requesting clearance."   "What's the day's word?"   "We haven't received it yet, last night's word expired, the flight is squawking like they know it, but we haven't gotten the word yet."   "Escalate, contact Secret-Keeper, get the word, and confirm."   "I've been trying for an hour, only person I managed to reach shows location aboard the plane, security plan zeta demands I disregard."   Shibue thought... Plan zeta is for when hostile foreigners are known to be acting on Kagomine Soil.   "Who's crypto-tribunal now?"   "Linnaeus Van Pelt, Undersecretary for classification."   "Where is he?"   "Aboard the vessel?"   "Let me talk to him, and temporarily pause the alert level while I do, on my authority."   She rang his communicator. "Linni you ninny! Where have you been?"   Linni tried to fight a yawn. "Performing upgrades at Orange Starfish Fort, please don't shoot me down, the reason the code doesn't work yet is that I need to upgrade the palace's systems before it'll be recognized."   "Anyone know about this?"   "Meihomei does, so does Nameihomei."   "Anyone not sleeping?"   "Probably not, it's the wee hours, after all."   "How many hours we expected to be down?"   "Ten minutes, if at that."   "No, we've been down for six hours, because we didn't have working IFF codes! Can I at least be on the frakking notification list? I know I can't be an escalation point, but I think not knowing if military gunships headed to my position are friendly is kinda a must in my position."   "We're friendly, my word on it, promise on Sing-sync's memories. And I'll talk to people about getting you on the change board." That was more than she had asked, and a kindness, not only getting her notified of changes, but notified in advance, and able to bring concerns about them forward.   "Oh." So this was the real Linni, very unlikely someone who hadn't been there at Lai Dang would have remembered him bailing them both out of a Lai Dang jail for public intoxication. Or understand how it had kinda made her trust him. "Linni, any chance you can get that gunskycutter's guns pointed away from the palace?"   "They already are, I asked for that immediately! They're not even loaded."   "Some protection for you that'd have turned out to be."   "That's what the missiles are for, actually."   "Oh." He had a point, the guns were great for ground attack, but hitting an hyper capable flyer with fixed guns was impossible. She switched channels. "Palace Airspace, palace airspace, do you copy?"   "Copy."   "Confirm inbound target has no hostile palace-pointing guns please?"   "Wait one."   "Confirmed."   "Stand down palace alert, stand down. Inbound gunskycutter is friendly, crypto-authority inbound."   "Retagging inbound as friendly, and as crypto-tribunal, CI-09 - dagger- Undersecretary of State for Classification inbound."  
  The second 'pillar' of the Secretary of state, the bureau of classification, also known as the bureau of secrets, is wrapped in misunderstandings, misdirection and obfuscation. Led by the under-for-class, this bureau attempts to keep secure communications for Kagomine uses, this includes settings standards, researching ciphers, mathematics and other technical means. Breaking enemy ciphers, intercepting enemy communications, and the like, fall under Kagomine Imperial Special Forces while Kagomine Armed Forces Inspectorate of Security makes sure the standards set by the under-for-class are used properly, and are not compromised. This seperation of duties dates back to some resouding failures in 545AK that led to killed Kagomine agents, and almost led to the loss of Minao Island to Tsou infiltrators.
Civic, Law


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