
"This is us, we are one." Eight heavily cloaked strangers met in a dim doom.   "This is us, we will not die, not until we've pulled down the Great Enemy." Said the one at the head of the table, he continued: "Who are you?"   "I am no one." Said the others.   "And if they ask who you are, under torture?" He pressed.   "I am Master Djimmu Happo, I have caused the downfall of civilizations, I have brought low cultures and traditions, I am the enemy of refinement and the lightning rod of cultural appropriation. I am the winter of discontent. I am hateful beyond imagining.   Hate Me, I Destroyed minds. Unrepentant."   "You know the words, but do you believe n them?"   "I believe that I have lost worlds, lost people that were mine, and the one responsible rules like a puppet ruler over a parliament of the dead. I won over a dozen worlds when I conned them into believing my fabrics, my basic simplicity was something they didn't own themselves, but something my people had invented. Make no mistake, simplicity is a blessing, but it cannot be owned, it is not to be held hostage over another, to force him to wear complexity. I believe I staged a coup over a culture that didn't exist, because it was too basic and simple, rather than complex."   "And your answer?"   "Depose the tyrant, release the works, let anyone write and verse, even prose! Let anyone create infinity, let endless chaos be true to itself, no one knows the future, let us all prepare in our own way. I am the storm, I am the entropy's only shield. Let people and things dance their own mindless random tarantella of fractal patterns, a mindscape of tellurian dreams."

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