Dawn Sunshine Standard Palace

In the dawn of time, in a time immemorial, before the warlords of Moniq and Seylon first fought, the warlords of Nisei waged war for infrastructure and rice fields. In that ancient, heroic time, a singular blason, bearing the device of the ancient house of the rulers of the ancient city of Oda, the odamuseki came to be singularly revered, for it was never on the losing side. After it had changed sides several times, and always ended up on the winning side, it was determined it was blessed by the elements, and a unit was selected to defend it, to keep it "for the odamuseki". After this strategy proved fruitful, the Odamuseki gave much honour and prestige to the unit, and eventually, built a palace, just to house this standard. As the Odamuseki rose in rank, they always kept ceremonial vigil over the standard, and their bodyguards always do double duty as the guardians of the standard, one of the official regalia of Nisei.

Purpose / Function

Host the Dawn Sunshine Standard, a mystical artifact
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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