First prince/princess of the second rank of the Nisei

"So, what do we know?" Asked Jack Paper.   "Similar to a Bameimeito, the First Prince or Princess is the designated heir to the Throne of Nisei, unlike Kagomei, in Nisei, this is an unofficial designation, and can be removed at a moment's notice." Douallé Moneydime answered.   "Can't be doing their transition of power any good, what if the Magelord dies, and just invalidated the current heir." Vull Caine chimed in.   "The rules for who is next are set in stone, it's strict seniority among the second rank." Douallé fired back.   "Don't they have a first rank?" Jack, trying to defuse tension, he didn't need his handler and his best friend fighting.   "That's the Magelord, he's very formally known as 'First Magely Prince of the First Rank of the Nisei, Protector of Eo Island and Arcanist most puissant.' He's also the territory administrator of their territory 0, the capital, and most populous city in Arnd: Metropolia."   "Oh, so basically their second rank would be closest to Domeis?"   "Yeah, not dissimilar to us either, with the Bameimeito being Domei of Megamisama, after all. The second rank are territory administrators, which is their largest unit of administration."   "Ok, and all this nice, friendly bunch of folks are all career politicians?"   "Raised from the teat to be backstabbers, yes, your point?"   "Err..."   "Domeis are career politicians, related to more career politicians, dear. None of our political families are exactly angels, especially considering the 'angel' angle usually comes from religion, where politicians with magic exist."   "Are you implying?"   "No, I don't need to. I know better, I know what keeps us from politicians with magic is other politicians with magic who don't want the mess a political crisis would cause."   "Back to them."   "We don't have anything we can use, and presumably, they expect us to try things."   "Being professional politicians?"   "Professional politicians, on their turf."   "What about the festival, any of them coming over?"   "Three, plus the first princess, Araki Midoyama, Princess of the Second Rank of Nisei, Kobuto Kaji, Prince of the Second Rank of the Nisei and Mayumi Saya, princess of the second rank of the Nisei."   "What do we know about any of them?"   "Kaji and Saya are from rival neighbouring, territories, always fighting. They probably only came because the other was coming. They're both from coastal territories closest to Kagomei, so either would have done, but if none of them came, it'd have been noticed."   "And the other?"   "Territory 10, as far away from Kagomei as you can get in Nisei."   "Has Ao Island deigned to come?"   "They wanted to, but cancelled, death in the family."   "They're our most powerful allies there."   "Misfits in their land, we usually do best with those."   "Yes, and Isolationists who target indigenous people tend to make those people friendlier to a people whose reputation is making friends by support or avenging them."   "I'm well aware of how we're 'champions of the downtrodden', it's actually a chapter of the book."   Douallé giggled.   "However, when they visit the downtrodden, do we have any leverage?"   "I'm told we have an official Voice of Meihomei and an unofficial Voice of Meihomei, in Nisei, but no one has named the individual."   "Why, the Bameimeito of course, taught his letters by the chief of state of Nisei."   "Not betting against you on that, he'd be choice, and he's actually the sponsor of the festival, making sure it goes smoothly, project-managering it through the stages of governmental approval."   "So, if anyone messes up, they have to explain to him?"   "If someone messes up, they disappoint him, whether or not he'll ask you to explain, nobody knows. Everyone knows he's a light touch on punishment, though, and while he's accomplished more at a ridiculously young age than most, he is ridiculously young, and he is willing to admit he has yet to learn everything."   "And is his mom involved?"   "Her pregnancy is preventing her involvement, Meihomei's still mourning her son, so I think he's the high muck-muck for the festival. Given his close ties with the counterpart chief of state, no one else is likely to even come close."   "You're incompletely informed. Try these two."   "What, CI-08 Vice-undersecretary Linnaeus Van Pelt and CI-09 Undersecretary Lusitania Van Pelt? What do they have to do with anything?"   "They were raised with the Bameimeito, including the lessons from the Magelord, one's an arnd older, the other arnd younger, so most people forget, but they're as high in State as it's collectively possible to get, and they are no dummies. I hear massive amounts of influence being thrown to make this festival a success, most of it through state-sponsored, state-controlled, state-infuenced or outright state-fronts. And the she's the closest thing to his mother's second in command, bar none."   "How big can this get?"   "Nisei is in the G-12, unlike Kagomei, their industry is much larger, their population is many times larger, despite half the territory."   "Between the treaty of Lai Dang's military impact, and this kind of thing, Kagomei's actual numbers are getting closer to G-12 territory, just so you know."   "Won't that create resentment?"   "No, the rest of the G-12, which actually has 15 members, has no problem with a 16th, provided the prosperity expected actually manifests."   "I'm sure those are the long term goals, and long term vision, but I'd be really surprised if none of the G-12 nations have shorter, less enlightened views, say for next quarter."
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