Flag rank Distinction


  • For Navy: permanent(not brevet) command of a ship with a crew of more than 10 sailors
  • For FlyForce: permanent command of at least one 10 element squadron(the livery of the plane becomes the flag, not the other way around)
  • For Ground Troops: permanent command of at least a 100 soldiers
  • For Spec Force: permanent squadron command


  • Officer school
  • Hold rank(OF-03+) in good standing
  • Any NCO above quota(OR-08+) has their own flag, but this does not count for this, except that a high-ranking enough Kon gets their flag to fly on the ship when they board.


Upon promotion to the required commissioned roles, the officer gets an invitation to Squadron/HQ office to "pick their flag". Upon receiving the promotion to OR-08(it would be for above, except OR-09 requires time in OR-08, and Telbun is "the best OR-09", so unless ALL OR-08+ would be eliminated, or a new service being built, higher cannot happen.) They're invited to pick up "a flag" not "design their flag" however, to highlight how it's not a personal one. They have the same duty as commissioned officers though. Then a Telbun is chosen, he gets to be represented by the Telbun's flag: a platinum diamond within a silver diamond. over a white field. They are expected to carry this at all times, including in battle. (indeed, the mast to do so is part of their duty uniform)


  • A flag officer must keep his/her flag in pristine condition, and present it when boarding a new ship/entering a new base.


The flag is the personation of the ship/base, any harm to the flag affects the ship/base. Hence the flag officer will at his expense make sure his flag is repaired in a timely fashion.


When one boards a new ship, one salutes, with respect, the flags that fly on board. When one's orders are read, some adjustments are then made if necessary(a new officer joining a command, promoting someone out)

Accoutrements & Equipment

Every flag officer can requisition a staff car, when it is done, the flag is raised on the staff car until released.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

A flag officer is just a subset of officer(the most senior) any demotion that would bring an officer down low enough would remove flag privileges. However, instead of removing one's flag design, it is blanked out... So that if the officer regains favour, his flag can be reinstanted(and so people can't claim the same design in the meantime.
Civic, Military, Commissioned
Source of Authority
Length of Term
Flags are renwed when the officer's assignment/term of duty ends/is renwed.


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