Founding of Kagomei

When Kagomei was founded in 0AK, two groups of people united, the Megamisama patriots, led by the Telbun-Sheriff of Megamisama, and the Innu rebels, led by the triumvirate leading Innu Abbey: Acapella Jaesa Carson Kagomé Dandelion Matsumoto Takahashi, Analecta Kagome Kira Takahashi and Innu Yesugai. The latter one, then-feyd of Garay, but acting more like a knight-errant, dispensing justice and exporting advice where he could with his roving band of jurists, soldiers and bureaucrats, had been trapped in the abbey when it had been besieged, while trying to offer assistance to a far neighbour, and risen to unofficial leadership of the small settlement with his brash, decisive actions.

With him dying in the battle, he was unavailable, so the priestesses, quite used to authority, made the elderly sheriff the counter offer that they would provide leadership until someone not of the priesthood was found worthy.

That turned out to be the priestesses children and grandchildren, but that is a tale for another time, although that explains why rulership of Kagomei is inherited.


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