Gemma Peale

"Welcome to Megamisama, how long do you plan to stay?"

"A few weeks."

"Ah, your visa allows up to five weeks, I see."

"Yes, i doubt I'll be here that fifth week, but it helps to be prepared."

"And you're here for business?"

"Oh no, I'm here for recreation only, a rare privilege I don't allow myself often enough."

"Do enjoy your stay, Miss, Oh, Miss Starkle, from Rakham industries?"

"That's mine, yes."

"Please, Miss Starkle, come with me."

"But I haven't done anything."

"I must insist!"



"Keep your hands off me!"


"Let go of me!"


"You'll regret this!"

"You're such a fool, thought I was the harmless little chit described in your pathetic little file? I'm a soldier, a soldier of Kelt, a specialist... You will sing for me... I don't think you've ever sung the songs I will teach you, ever before..."


"Now, do you know how stupid you were to try to abuse your position like that?"

"Very stupid mistress, please, don't hurt me..."

"That's better, pet... I keep pets in lots of places, if you please me, I may decide to keep you... And don't worry, I'm petting you, if I was hurting you, it would hurt a lot more than you hurt now... Such a naive little pet, so much to learn about pleasing Mistress..."

"I hear you made a pet on your trip..."

"I did.."

"It's none of my business how you treat other people, but isn't that a large gamble?"

"Except my cover identity is a famous dominatrix in the local scene, it'd have been noticed if she hadn't tried to get some revenge."



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