Grand Square of the Dawn, Old Tsou City

Chono Mak-To

"Chono Mak-To!"

Zonovan Tsu'reik recoiled, as if struck.

"Chono Mak-To Zonnie!" She insisted.


"Oh, grow up, you invited that nice Kagomine lady from the embassy to your play, she declined, stop moping and pouting! You're no longer four!"

"I'm that transparent huh?"

"I guess to me you are. I've known you longer than even my parents now."


"Welcome, you are Kagomine?"

"Must one be Tsou to visit here?"

"No, surely not, but, well, I am curious. Oh, excuse me, I am Shota Lingdi, I am a welcomer here, at the Grand Square of the dawn."

"A welcomer?"

"I work for the ministry, I offer a friendly face, greetings, and the official programme..."

"We'll need the programme, can't live without it in Tsou."

"The Kagomine are different than the Tsomi in that respect?"

"A Kagomine would look askance at a venue with a programme unless it was theatre, or perhaps opera. Oh, I'm being rude, I am Piersa Ouranos, Military Attache at the embassy, and this is my Grib, Dentrag Aixpee."

"Oh, my."

"Err, that was a mistranslation! I am her Snooxie, not her Grib."

"Oh." The older woman was blushing. "I take it Grib means something different to a Kagomine?"

"Different than what?" Piersa asked while Dentrag faceplanted at her side.

"Errr..." Still blushing the middle aged Shota breathed: 'boytoy'.

It was Piersa's turn to blush. "Maybe in his dreams..."

"Not in my dreams, well, not quite. Can I have my own programme, since I'm not her boytoy, and will decide myself what I want t see?"

"Oh, of course, Mister ... Snooxie..." She tittered.



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