Isn't it your birthday?

"Nice to see you again, Lady Veneer."   "Pleasure's mine, Hari, what mischief have you been up to?"   "Me?"   "You're here, not ruling your land of Nisei, surely, it's some mischief."   "I am hurt and wounded by your baseless mistrust, truly, it is unreasonable."   "Perhaps not, but my son told me you had to go, an explosion?" She quirked an eyebrow at him.   "Ah, yes, I did mention that to the lad, in confidence."   "For my son to have secrets to keep from me, it would be unprecedented. By the way, wasn't yesterday your birthday? Happy birthday, you old copperhead. I'd have brought you a gift, but as I understand, that's not appreciated."   "You are too kind and well informed, no, we Nisei do not receive gifts on our birthday, we try to do things that influence others to say our name. With the company you keep, I should be having a resoundingly successful birthday."   "Ah, yes, I do go where the din is loudest. And I am pleased to be of help, even if only in a small way."   "I'm told you have my ambassador here, Trireme Minoro, has he been giving you trouble?"   "He's a bit too young to give me trouble dear, it's wily old foxes like you I gotta watch out for."   "Oh, and a compliment, on my birthday too, you are far too knowledgeable, and crafty at that."   "I know a few things, especially, I know how to listen."   "Dangerous and crafty, a worthy, dangerous foe, but a better friend, I've often said so to my people."   "And I've told mine people who underestimate the old mage in the copper and brass are the ones regretting it."   "The respect of a worthy foe is a fine gift, never easily given."   "Are we foes? I think not, I've found I gain more when we both win."   "A worthy competitor, the more so because you do not let yourself be diminished by my victories."   "Meihomei takes a dim view of my being diminished by anything, competitor or not."   "How is your sister?"   "My cousin?"   "I thought her parents adopted you?"   "They did... I am going through a rebellious phase, shocking at my age, I know, that makes me value birth relationships over adopted ones..."   "Ah, in Nisei that would be quite impossible, getting adopted is quite legally difficult, but once gotten, it's so highly valued, it's better than the real thing."   "So much better than my son would be the ruler, not hers?"   "Ah, no... I see your point."   "I'm not sure I saw my own point, I am just angry, her parents thought they were doing me a favour, and in a way they were, but at the same time, no rivalry can equal that I have with her."   "I'm sure if I said anything to slight you, a slashbeast would hurt less than her words to me."   "I thought slash beasts were extinct in Nisei?"   "Not quite, but there are perhaps fifty left, so hardly very many. The land of Hand has thousands, and they are larger and more fierce."   "What isn't more fierce in the Hand?"   "What isn't fiercer in the hand is venomous in Ozziland, or a delicacy in Pinay , that is a proverb of Nisei."   "Oh, having been in Pinay and Ozziland recently, I can see why. But, I am content that my relationship with Meihomei is peaceful, is that what you were asking?"   "I know it is, or I should say, your son didn't think your relationship with her had soured, that is enough for me. Is he a candidate to succeed Meihomei?"   "After Shen and myself, yes, that is our law."   "Wouldn't you let him rule?"   "I... I don't know... He is rather a fine candidate, but he can benefit from more preparation. Is that what you're asking about?"   "Not at this time, I'm asking if you're interested in the job."   "I'm not sure, it sounds like a lot of hullabaloo, but the same to him, and in that, he shows wisdom."   "I know just what you mean. But why him, and not you?"   "I'm old, and he's not? He can grow into it more easily than I can."   "How many years is Shen away?"   "Shen's six or more years way, it helps when the ruler can read and write and count to thousands..."   "Should I volunteer to teach him? I'd like to think I did a good job with Amarat."   "The rules are different for Meihomei's child. I'm sorry to say that, I do think you'd do a great job."   "Please excuse me, I must answer this."   Away from the Kagomine, Hari Pawtel picks his communicator.  Midori Anapurna, First Princess of the Second Rank of the Nisei your intervention is ill timed, I am discussing affairs of state with your Kagomine counterpart."   "Puissant lord, your house be blessed for a thousand years, has she brought gifts?"   "She knows our ways better than that, and already has mentioned my name and grown my fame among the Laidanese."   "Surely it is a mark of your great power that even a rival like the Kagomine speak your praise."   "She is hardly a rival, my education of her son in our ways, announced on my birthday, years ago, did wonders for my prestige."   He saw the middle aged woman on the communicator quiver, part jealousy part indignation.   "Well, First Princess, what did you wish?"   "Please recontact me before you retire, there is an issue that requires your imprint here."   "I shall, enjoy the day."  
  "Thank you for waiting for me, shall we dine then?"   "How old are you?"   "In Kagomei, that is a very rude question to ask of a lady."   "In Nisei, one asks that question matter of fact, for most powerful sorcerors only get moreso, with age."   "Then I am surely much younger than you." She dimpled at him, her tone light.   "Ahah, you Kagomine are so funny, so cagey."   "Well, you are the head of state of a foreign power, a friendly foreign power, but a foreign power to be sure."   "Well, I am, but my country is ruled better when I don't mess with the family of our closest allies, for sure. I only want to know when I can bring you a gift, for your fiftieth birthday."   "Ohoh, you would need to travel back in time for that, Magelord. And such a compliment you paid me, but then, you've always been very free with them."   "Saying nice things tend not to hurt, the other way, not so much. How old is your boy again?"   "He's twenty-five now."   "Then I indirectly have the answer to my question, since I know how old you were when you had him... You told me that, when I visited Responsible Disclosure."


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Mar 28, 2021 00:31 by Diane Morrison

I thought I'd commented, but I guess I didn't get time when I was looking at the birthday articles. I love how you've communicated so much subtext and culture strictly through the dialogue! That is really well done and I admire it muchly!

Author of the Wyrd West Chronicles and the Toy Soldier Saga. Mother of Bunnies, Eater of Pickles, Friend of Nerds, First of her Name.
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