Laramir Tsimori

"Esteemed cousin and adversary, it is by the will of my ministers that I write you this day. Please accept the presence of Cat Princess Laraken Tsunamon as a harbinger of my own royal presence, protected by the flag of the truce we both signed.   Cat Princes in our land hold similar privilege as Feline Advisor to Meihomei in yours, holding both priestly and lay powers where applicable. I will consider any deed of yours on her behalf as if done to me, either in defense or attack, in promotion or detriment. For indeed, she is my envoy to you, and it is my hope that if peace can exist between us, it is through the mews of these cats if not that of the more human envoys we could use, to speak words of peace.   I'm aware of the irony sending an envoy of peace to the people of peace, I can only hope the rare precedent will help us finds new words of peace.z   Yours, I remain.   The bearer of this missive is a returning Kagomine National, Laramir Tsimori, the newlywed wife of Furuken Tsimori, and I would consider it a personal favour if she reached him untrammeled."

— Letter of marque from The Ruler of the Tsou to the Ruler of the Kagomine, 12th Undeceiem, 815AK


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