Moniqan day of the peaches

"Welcome, guests, today we celebrate Nintawui, the day of the peaches, and we would have you join us."   "Thank you, Highest."   "Please, Second Duty, you certainly need no such formality, cousin."   "Xiang, what is this Nintawui, I tried to research it before coming here, and could find no information."   "I'm told my father told this story to one of our guests today, I'd rather that guest told the story, I'm told he has a natural storytelling voice."   "Who? Oh..." Everyone turned to her son, who was desperately trying to hide.   "I was barely in school then, you can't expect me to remember..."   "Why wouldn't you? You remembered everything else from that visit we had with Hunarch Zwei, and saved lives doing so..."   "Ok, ok, give me a minute, it is a distant memory..."   The others took Xiang's invitation to sit in a concentric circle in this very remote salon of The Hunarch Palace of Sook Zenith.   "Ok, I hope I remember this correctly, it was so long ago... Hunarch Zwei took me aside and told me that Sook Zenith, at the end of every peach harvest, took a break to celebrate their good fortune. It involves much dancing and music, merriment and drink, and everyone has peach cakes."   "Peachcakes? Really? He told this story to a child!"   "This does not mean the same as in Kagomei, honoured Mirsala. Please calm down."   "Oh?" That was Amarat.   "Wait, no one told you?"   "I guess they thought my ignorance was cute, Hunarch Xiang. Just what did I miss?"   "Well, I'm the wrong one to tell you about the tradition of your own people."   Awkward silence.   "Oh for cripes sake, he's a grown man!"   "Yes Mirsala, he is, so cute we managed to keep him in the dark for so long..."   "We won't agree on this Doka, perhaps, as senior of us all, you should be the one to tell..."   "If I must, he is my grandson, after all... Amarat, when in Kagomei, when someone mentions peach cakes, they're implying two women making love..."


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