Pomerania Van Pelt

"Hey, careful, she's fragile, Raven."   "Mew!"   "Mew!" Shy opined.   "Mew." Added Sensible.   Shibue looked to her niece, and then to the two other kittens. "I suppose Pretty and Wise also have opinions about my baby niece?"   "Mew." and "Mroow." was what she got in reply   "Oh, goodie." Raven was already rubbing her head against Pom's hand, clearly, they felt they were already like family. She looked at the otter buried in her hooded jacket. "And you Jor-Jie, you have something to add?"   "Dit-Dit? Tit-Tit." As the otter darted forward to get a good look at the newcomer, her green eyes flashing as she recognized a young of the species.   "Well, isn't that a proper mess, you all love her, but you can't have her, not all at once, you'll have to timeshare." But she needed have bothered, Pretty and Shy were on either side of the baby, Jor-Jie was looking from afar, and the rest of the cats were studiously looking disinterested.  
  "Arrggh, your cats are the worse!"   "I'm sorry, what did they do this time?"   "Got me all riled up, thinking they'd fight over Pom, but they all shared her as happy as clams, being nice and basically adopting the poor girl."   "All that aggression, defense mechanisms, and no place to go huh?"   "Yeah, and..."   "And?"   "You'll hate me."   "I'm pretty sure I can't hate you, I don't normally hate, and you're the most perfectly lovely person I know. And you and that otter will take turns beating me up if I hate you anyways."   "Jor-Jie? Vs you? I... guess you'd have your work cut out for you, even if she weighs less than your arm."   "She's a trained fighter, and I'm not."   "She is, and very well trained to recognize you as a friendly..."   "Click-click." Jor-Jie, hidden in Shibue's jacket again, clicked her teeth together, the peace sign.   "But going back to that I'll hate you thing, what possessed you to say that?"   "Because... because, we had this emotionally charged conversation about kids, and then we agreed not to have any. And Pom is so adorable, I'm reconsidering!"   "Now, I get why you'd think I'd be upset, but really? Didn't I say: 'it's your body, your decision, and I'll accept whatever makes the most sense'?"   Shibue was crying.   "I'm usually better than this..."   "Come on, let it out. Hug Jor-Jie and let it out..."   "Why not you?"   "Because you're already in skin contact with Jor-Jie and extracting her would take too long. Besides, she's family, she can be the cry-pillow too, it's not just reserved for me."   Sniffle.   "Besides, if I try to hug you now, I'll squeeze her into your breasts, and no one wants that."   "Jor-Jie, shoulder!" The otter was trained to follow cues, simple ones like this, by now, and climbed her owner's body.   "Hrmmph, well if she's leaving me room to hug you, guess I can join in." He embraced his Herevallin, and was surprised to receive the little otter's hug in return.   "Just let it out Shibue my love."   "I just feel like my hormones are out of control."   "I'm told that can happen, especially if you've got kittens or otters making biscuits on your soft tissues."   "Hey, how'd you guess? What, that can have this much impact?"   I've seen you carrying the kits and Jor-Jie, you're very motherly with them all..."   "And?"   "And... your body receiving massage in certain places, well, some hormones get stimulated more than others, but I imagine your mommy signal is pretty strong right now."   "My mommy-signal? I swear, if you weren't already my herevallin and the most adorable man alive, I'd have to marry you again, just for how cute 'mommy-signal' was! Hmm, that feels nice." He was kneading the small of her back now.   "But going back, you're... reconsidering children?"   "Hmm, yeah, I... am."   "I'm feeling kinda lucky right now..."   "Hmm, why?"   Linni's eyes flashed hurt.   "I'm sorry, that was unworthy of me. I just meant to make you squirm a little, after you saying you would lose a fight to a 6 kilo otter."   "You're going to have to make it up to me." Linni's voice was husky.   "Hmm, promise? Jor-Jie, door!"   "Squeek-squeek!" Came the protest, but the otter obeyed, going to the other side of the door, where her kitten playmates were waiting. "Click-click."   Shibue walked, and slammed the door behind her pet. "You were saying something about making something up to you?"   "Uh-huh, someone was being mean and emotional and crying and being illegally cute."   "Oh, was I illegally cute too?"   "Uh-huh, indictably cute." She dimpled at him. "Oh, no, I guess I'll be paying that up for a long time then..." She kneeled in front of him.   "Uh-huh. You look almost eager to replay this debt too..."   "Oh, I am, why do you think I'm on my knees..."   "Oooh."   "Are you going to make me beg, Linni?"   "What if I was?"   "Hmm, I never figured you like the type... But... for some reason, I'm looking forward to it already..."   "Oh, are you?"   "Oh, honey, you're the sweetest man I know, but I am a warrior's daughter, I can take it tougher than you've been dishing, you know?"   "Oh, is that a challenge?"   "Yes, please the elements, yes!"  
  "Heavens, you look like you took a car to the side!"   "Silly, no, I've seen those, no, this is just a nice shade of... puce."   "Are you sure you're going to be okay?"   "Honey, the only thing I'm sure of right now?"   "Yeah?"   "We're going to do this again..."


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