Rackham Industries

"Rackham fresh haddock!"

"I've got Rachkam's own Sea-ryes! Right here, fresh catch from today!"

"Rackham's own Kelp, get yourself a nice side-dish!"

"Ugh, that market, so loud, and everything's called Rackham!"

"Yeah, Rackham owns every food and military industry in Rannick, daughter of the island gone good."

"Oh, so a protected monopoly?"

"Yeah, and it helps if you're the Aumhavar's daughter if you want the title ..."

"I can imagine, and she is?"

"So rich, she owns the island unofficially."

"Is she a friend of ours?"

"Normally, she is no friend, but I suspect she's taken a swift change of heart, recently."

"Oh, and how would you know that?"

"I'm afraid I can't tell you, that's classified."

"Miss Rackham?"

"Yes, Andooni?"

"Your signature please, these are to authorize the purchase of new ships for next season."

"Denied, rent the ships instead, from Rackham shipbuilding. Make sure it's for three-year contracts, to maximise profits."

"Understood, where are you going?"

"The cabin, I have a new pet to train, make sure we're not interrupted."

"You're wasting a perfectly good cover!"

"Am I? Hyan Nary, you're more turned on than I am..."

"Hmm, perhaps, can you please free me?"

"Hmm, where's the fun in that?"

"No fun, we're supposed to work..."

"And you showing up without any mark on you? Who'd believe that... Where will our cover be?" She raised her riding crop.

Corporation, Conglomerate


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